It's a boy!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, just to let you know that Admin has had her baby! It is a little baby boy, weighing 7lb 13oz. His blood sugars have been a little low, but he is doing well.

I am sure you would all like to join me in wishing her and her baby well!:D


What lovely news to start the day. Congratualations to the new family and here's hoping the young man's blood sugars stabilise rapidly and both he and mum are soon home
congrats to admin aww what a lovely little boy , lets hope his bloods stabilise

all the best 2 both
That's fantastic news. He's gorgeous! A perfect weight too, well done Admin.

Lots of love and best wishes to mum and baby (and dad of course!)

Allison x
Yay well done.
Congratulations to the whole family, hope he stabilises soon xx

Julie xx
What a little beauty he is! When was he born? Hope his sugars level out soon - poor little thing! Any names yet?:DBev
I'd just like to add my good wishes to the family and hopes for a very healthy future for the lad.
What a little beauty he is! When was he born? Hope his sugars level out soon - poor little thing! Any names yet?:DBev

Hi Bev, I don't want to give out too many personal details, in case it's not what Admin wants, but she asked me to let everyone know - she'll probably let you know more when she returns!🙂
Hi Bev, I don't want to give out too many personal details, in case it's not what Admin wants, but she asked me to let everyone know - she'll probably let you know more when she returns!🙂

Ooops! Yes of course, i just get so excited when i hear of a birth!:DBev
Congrats to admin on the birth of her son, best wishes to her and her husband, and of course the best of health wealth and happiness to all three.


He looks adorable, what great news to start my day, wonderful, 🙂🙂
Congratulations to Admin, baby looks a dear loveable little bundle of joy. I'm sure bloods will soon stabilise and you'll both be home enjoying family life. Enjoy the growing up, children are a great and adorable adventure...
Congratulations, thats wonderful news! he is gorgeous!
much love chez xxx
Congratulations Admin on the birth of your baby boy!

He is gorgeous. Hope his blood sugars stabilise soon.

All the best to you and you're family!

congratulations to Admin and family, he looks gorgeous
Congratulations Admin and family!

This is great news as people have already said, to start the day with and what a gorgeous, gorgeous little boy!

Lots and lots and lots of love to all,

Louisa xx
Hi Admin

Congratulations to you both on the birth of your baby boy....he's gorgeous..sent me very broody.....Hope the little one's blood sugars settle soon..

Love and Hugs

Heidi and Nathan
He is Gorgeous! Congratulations Admin and family xxxx
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