Itchyness particularly in legs

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A while ago now I lost the feeling in my toes. The musculoskeletal department I went to were baffled but someone who I know personally in real life who worked as a diabetic nurse said it could be a sign of neuropathy.

They basically just said keep being as active as you can and it became just a bit of an annoyance to be honest.

Now I am having real bouts of itching particularly in my legs but it feels underneath my skin.

I don't know whether it's anything to do with my diabetes or if I'm just thinking about it too much and scratching too much and making it worse.

Also I've developed what my girlfriend thinks is psoriasis on my scalp this year and chronic dandruff which again is a cause of major itchiness. Is this linked to Diabetes?

Any input is helpful
Could the itchy legs be dryness? I find I need to moisturise my legs regularly as they seem more prone to dryness than usual.

If you think you have psoriasis, that needs a medical eye to check it out, but you could also look at your shampoo and try something like Nizoral. It will take some experimentation. Ones that are sulphate-free can also be gentle for regular use.

Finally, sometimes vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause skin issues. Zinc is one I think, as well as essential fatty acids.

As you’ve mentioned neuropathy, I’d speak to your GP anyway just so they’re aware and can offer a professional opinion.
A while ago now I lost the feeling in my toes. The musculoskeletal department I went to were baffled but someone who I know personally in real life who worked as a diabetic nurse said it could be a sign of neuropathy.

They basically just said keep being as active as you can and it became just a bit of an annoyance to be honest.

Now I am having real bouts of itching particularly in my legs but it feels underneath my skin.

I don't know whether it's anything to do with my diabetes or if I'm just thinking about it too much and scratching too much and making it worse.

Also I've developed what my girlfriend thinks is psoriasis on my scalp this year and chronic dandruff which again is a cause of major itchiness. Is this linked to Diabetes?

Any input is helpful

Not relating to the loss of feeling in your toes, but to the itching: Are you taking Metformin? I have observed a number of folks taking metformin report itching on their legs.

Just a thought.
Hello @Hre2stay I don`t believe we have met before, welcome to the forum.

We are not allowed to give medical advice but can relate our own experience
and research to members questions.

Your Diabetic Nurse friend may well be correct Neuropathy may be the problem
but you need a professional diagnosis, we can all read an article and think oh that`s
what I have but other conditions may create the same effect. The Musculoskeletal
Department were looking for bone damage but Neuropathy although if not treated
can lead to bone damage especially if someone develops Charcot Foot develops
from Nerve damage mainly for D (Diabetics) when their BGL`s are very high for a
certain period of time or when they are able to reduce their levels too fast.

Neuropathy which there are several types needs a proper DX (Diagnosis) from a HCP
(Health Care Professional) including Electrical Conductivity tests which your GP can
arrange. I`m afraid for some itching especially the lower legs can be a side effect of
this condition, Psoriasis can be caused once again by many means but in my case it
started when the Neuropathy began and my GP and consultant agreed.

You can buy from a pharmacist if they stock it a shampoo called Selsun shampoo which
will really help your scalp and reduce it if not stop the itching and Dandruff, make sure you
moisturise your feet everyday but not between the toes if you find your lower legs drying
moisturise them too at every opportunity.

Right just a bit of food for thought up to you if you use this info but if it was me I would be
on the blower to my Doc. and start the process which may take months, in the meantime
there is medication to help which the Dr can prescribe.

Just a last point on Nizoral Cream talk to your GP to see if its appropriate for you a side
effect of it can be Dermatitis plus other skin problems but very rarely, Nizoral is an antifungal
and does contains Ketoconazole @ 2% so needs to be used very sparingly and very gently
rubbed into the infected area.

Hope this helps?
Hope you can get to the bottom of your symptoms @Hre2stay

Let us know how you get on.
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