It shouldn't happen to a diabetic'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
this idea came from another thread , just wondered if anyone had embarrassing story about being diabetic hypo story's that kind of thing etc
About a month after I was first dx I went out for a night with friends, said night was very boozy night (10 apple sour shots and the sharing of 3 cocktail pitchers didt help 😡) Well things got a bit chaotic I stood up went to the bar and some guy pushed in front of me. Im told by my friends i had been acting a bit strange prior to this. And no I hadt told them I was diabetic (I was having trouble accepting it myself let alone telling others about it) . When this guy pushed in front of me I lost it and became very aggressive indeed Things went way out of control and the police were called So I ended up in police hands Thankfully when I got to the station a policeman realized that something was not right and they made me see the police docter who soon called am ambulance. I ended up spending the night in A+E chucking up . All my own fault I know. I now always let my friends know Im diabetic and what to do in the event of me becoming ill.
Another time when I was collecting my insulin in syringes I went out for a meal with friends. It came to my injection time and I decided to be as discrete as I could and injected there and then at table . Whoops major mistake some bloke saw me and complained to the waiter about people taking drugs in public. I felt so embarrassed, explained to waiter that I was diabetic etc. He was really nice and told said bloke that I was diabetic but bloke still kept going on about injecting in public and then used those classic words why didt you do it in the toilet then the rest of us will not have to see it. Good job for him I was feeling lady like that night or I would have punched his lights out
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It annoys me people jump to the wrong conclusion when they see people injecting. One of my friends has some quite serious allergies and always carries her (as she calls it ) anti dote with her. Once or twice when she has needed it quickly who ever has adminstered the injection as been called a pusher when in fact if they hadn't acted quickly the results could have been more serious...
It is quite sad this as some diagnosed when I was 9 the number of people who have called me a junkie including kids is quite amazing. I sometimes feel like tweeting to all those who don't like Diabetics injecting in public help the fight to get diabetics insulin pumps.

...Another time when I was collecting my insulin in syringes I went out for a meal with friends. It came to my injection time and I decided to be as discrete as I could and injected there and then at table . Whoops major mistake some bloke saw me and complained to the waiter about people taking drugs in public. I felt so embarrassed, explained to waiter that I was diabetic etc. He was really nice and told said bloke that I was diabetic but bloke still kept going on about injecting in public and then used those classic words why didt you do it in the toilet then the rest of us will not have to see it. Good job for him I was feeling lady like that night or I would have punched his lights out

Sounds very similar to the story a woman in Wigan told about injecting in a restaurant, so sadly commonplace :( On a lighter note, I wrote this poem about it :D
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