Issue with cannula/tubing & blood

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok I'm panicking.

I woke up with bloods of 16.0, did a correction & went to get breakfast.

While getting dressed I noticed I had blood everywhere, on the sticky pad, in the hard plastic, up into the tubing.

I've changed everything & taken the old cannula out (was only a day old)

Do I need to do anything else?
Nope. You've handled it fine. Just make sure the new set has 'taken' properly and carry an alternative pen/syringe in case you need to correct pronto.

I've had this before and think its where I have knocked it overnight.
Thanks mike.
I'm going to check my blood shortly to see if I got any of the insulin I gave for breakfast.

I can't honestly think how I knocked it, given where it was as I don't sleep on my tummy
Hi Laura, you're right to check, because chances are the correction and the breakfast bolus won't have been delivered properly due to blood coagulating in the tubing and cannula. We get this occasionally, but not frequently. In fact last night he had a cannula get pulled out completely (the pump had fallen out of bed and was dangling down the side of the bed, and the weight of it managed to pull out the cannula and unstick the sticky bit! This has never happened before in six years of pumping! He was already 14.8, I changed his set and corrected by injection just to be sure it definitely went in! He was still 9 this morning so it takes a while to recover from a nuisance like that! Hope your levels come back to normal soon 🙂
I have also had the same problem but it only happened once and it was quite painful and would not stop bleeding for ages after i'd removed the quickset. I think that the flow of blood causes a clot which blocks the cannulae which prevents the correct dose of insulin from being administered. Requiring a correction dose as blood sugars will rise. Mine went to over 30 mmol so you don't feel good.

Hope you are feeling better soon.
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