Isle of Man

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
And it's me again, this time planning a move to the Isle of Man.
Yes, I know, I'm moving somewhere different every week. But this time it might actually happen 😉

So anyone from the Island? Any news on the bilateral healthcare agreement?

Any help will be greatly appreciated 🙂

i know not much of the isle of man but just wanted to say it is totally different country to the uk ..(also loved the diabot castle !!)
Thanks, Eli was very proud of his castle 🙂

We used to live on the Island but that was years ago when there were no problems with the bilateral healthcare agreement (meaning Manx residents could be sent to the mainland for any bigger procedures). But that might end soon, meaning the local government will have to figure something out.

Otherwise, it's not very exotic. It's pretty much the same as the UK, they just insist on their one pound note and cats with no tails 😉
hypo tail-less cat?

Of topic, briefly, as can't help with knowledge of Isle of Man (only been once when we sailed through the night from County Down to Liverpool), but wonder about the prospects of training a Manx cat to detect hypos?!? Actually, training cats is a bit of an impossibility, but they can teach themselves some things, not always particularly helpful to their human housemates - I'm thinking of our cat here 😉
We went for our honeymoon to the Isle of Man last August, and it is a wonderful place. We have talked about moving over at some point in the future, so any information on the bilateral agreement would be useful to me also.
Up, up...

Sorry for being persistent, don't seem to be able to find any information online...😱
It occured to me that I used to work for a company with a large Isle of Man office, so I asked a friend if anyone there might know more about this. This is the reply I got:


Yes, you?re right the reciprocal healthcare agreement may change soon. We don?t as yet know if and how it is going to change. The previous U.K. government were keen to stop the agreement, but at the last minute deferred it for 6 months until after the election.

My understanding of the situation is that the changes to the agreement affected IoM Citizens being treated when travelling to the U.K. and U.K. citizens being treated when travelling to the Isle of Man. Those situations would have to be paid for by travel insurance in the future. I don?t think that referrals from the Isle of Man hospital to U.K. hospitals for specialist treatment were going to be affected I?m not certain, though, and the lady should contact the Isle of Man Govern directly to get the latest position

Hope this helps! 🙂
Thank you so much Northener!
Can't believe you did that for me!

Now where would I be without this forum and you lot 🙂
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