Is this related to diabetes?

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have no idea if this is diabetes related or not. I apologize if it's not.

I thought I have shins splint.. sometimes it hurts when I run. But once I stopped running it would go away within 10 min. Last 2 weeks it's been worse...if I just walk 5 minutes I'm in horrible pain both calves for loong after I stop walking. And I couldn't move my toes in one leg for about 1 hour. Is this related to diabetes?

I'm active (not lately cause of pain) and blood sugar is more or less in range.
I have no idea if this is diabetes related or not. I apologize if it's not.

I thought I have shins splint.. sometimes it hurts when I run. But once I stopped running it would go away within 10 min. Last 2 weeks it's been worse...if I just walk 5 minutes I'm in horrible pain both calves for loong after I stop walking. And I couldn't move my toes in one leg for about 1 hour. Is this related to diabetes?

I'm active (not lately cause of pain) and blood sugar is more or less in range.
I will start with the caveat that I am not medically trained.
However, it does not sound like it is related to diabetes. It is very easy (for us and, sadly some doctors) to blame everything on diabetes. Sadly, diabetes does not protect us from other conditions.
I recommend getting a doctor to check it out.
I thought I have shins splint.. sometimes it hurts when I run. But once I stopped running it would go away within 10 min. Last 2 weeks it's been worse...if I just walk 5 minutes I'm in horrible pain both calves for loong after I stop walking. And I couldn't move my toes in one leg for about 1 hour. Is this related to diabetes?
I started suffering shin splints back in my 20s after I started playing cricket, so I sympathize. I could barely walk the morning after a match, and it took me a couple of overs (I was a fast bowler) to run it off on a match day. I stopped playing in 1994 and haven't had them since.
I have no idea if this is diabetes related or not. I apologize if it's not.

I thought I have shins splint.. sometimes it hurts when I run. But once I stopped running it would go away within 10 min. Last 2 weeks it's been worse...if I just walk 5 minutes I'm in horrible pain both calves for loong after I stop walking. And I couldn't move my toes in one leg for about 1 hour. Is this related to diabetes?

I'm active (not lately cause of pain) and blood sugar is more or less in range.
I got a trampoline for exercise as it is so low impact. It might hep if you can get hold of one of those little 'Rebounder' trampolines and see if you have pain - using that to differentiate between muscular exertion and impact with a hard surface as the cause.
It could be related to cramp which can occur if you are dehydrated or your electrolytes are out of balance.
Magnesium gel rubbed into your calves does seem to help cramp. But best get checked out by the Doc.