Is this product safe to eat?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all hope everyone is well, i have type 1 diabetes and am also coeliac. I am wondering if milkbar giant white buttons are safe to eat for a coeliac? I have checked the ingredients but still would like to be sure. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum, Natalie Carroll. I'm sure that the ingredients list on the packet is the best possible source of information about gluten, carbohydrate etc content.
Hi , thanl you for welcoming me, yeah the pack says soya which i know we can safely eat? i would eat in moderation anyways hah.
Hi thanks for your answer, according to that list they are safe to eat. Was only going to have a few. I have had good news lately as my hba1c is 46 😉
Lol it wont be if you eat all the buttons 🙂
Hello and welcome to the forum Natalie. My sister has just been diagnosed with that, along with all the other things she has! Good grief, what next?! We noticed in CoOp there's an entire stand devoted to no gluten. Years ago you never heard of it. Hope you enjoyed the chocolate. 🙂
Hey! oh gosh i hope shes doing okay?, it can be a pain sometimes tbh but we do our best, ha i know right hardly saw anything in the shops years ago and now its getting more out there which im glad! 🙂
She'll carry on regardless, not making a fuss about it and ignoring it in fact like all her other ailments! Trouble is my other sister is going the same way and I've no room to talk or advise, pot/kettle!

I'm glad it's 'out there' too, it needs to be. 🙂
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Oh gosh! you are doing well though! 🙂 at least if your other sister goes down the same road then they have each other for advise and support .
Hello Natalie and a warm welcome to our friendly & supportive forum. You've come to the right place but by the same token sorry to see you here if you get the gist! I'm sorry I'm not in a position to help you myself being Type 2 nor on insulin but there are plenty here who are and some are coeliac too who will be able to advise you. Tell us more about yourself and do stay in touch. Take care x
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