Is this of interest to anyone?

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He's fine thank you. I thought some of the comments following the article were perhaps relevant to discussions elsewhere on the board but wasn't quite sure of the best place to post my thread.
He's fine thank you. I thought some of the comments following the article were perhaps relevant to discussions elsewhere on the board but wasn't quite sure of the best place to post my thread.

Here is just fine 🙂 Please pass on my best wishes to him.
Any informations is good, thank you.
Will read the article later when I've more time, but please pass on my bestest regards to Mr. Sharpwaa, thanks. Hope you are both keeping well.

Will read the article later when I've more time, but please pass on my bestest regards to Mr. Sharpwaa, thanks. Hope you are both keeping well.


Ditto mrs pass on our helloes x
My son is on a pump so slightly different rules for some things - but generally very good advice - thanks for posting it! Say hello to Sharpwaa for me.🙂Bev
thank you for posting the link ..good to hear sharpwaa is doing well x🙂
Thanks for the link 🙂
The comments were interesting, but why is there always one advertising a magic cure :( I'm getting really tired of diabetes cure spammers, suddenly they are everywhere. Even my Twitter account is constantly gaining new 'followers' , who are telling me that my son's worries are over, the cure is here!
It's upsetting as it is difficult enough to get people to realise that type 1&2 are not the same thing, and E didn't get diabetes from eating badly and not excercising enough. Grrr.
Sorry, unrelated 🙂
But like I said, thanks for the link, all information is good and the list you linked is especially good for relatives, as they can find the bulky books intimidating.
Great article, have just left a response on it.🙂
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