Is this normal?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I didnt know i was diabetic, since having covid april 22 was very tired and i have been losing weight without trying, this was disgnosed in january after blood tests for something else.
now as well as tiredness i am getting very thirsty and this makes me feel dizzy unwell if i dont drink immediately and i am very cold, especially hands and feet. My blood sugar on the blood test was 100.

was taking dapagliflozin but was feeling unwell on it. Was initially on it because i had bad stomach problems.
now switching to metaformin only taking once a day i have to increase the dose to 2 next week, already by mid afternoon its making my stomach bloat and i feel very uncomfortable, does this symptom persist or will it get better in time reluctant to take 2 a day
Abdominal pain and nausea/vomiting are very common with Metformin but should subside.
The symptoms you describe, losing weight, high HbA1C send red flags for a Type 1 or LADA diagnosis rather than Type 2 in which case a different medication regime would be needed. You may want to question your diagnosis with your diabetic nurse of GP.
The tiredness and thirst suggest your blood glucose is high. Do you have a home testing blood glucose monitor as testing would be a good idea and also to have some ketone urine test strips and a combination of high glucose and high ketone would warrant prompt medical attention.
Have you also made any dietary changes as if Type 2 that will be needed as well as any medication.
Speak to your nurse @Loukay and ask if there’s a possibility you could be Type 1. When you were diagnosed, did they test your ketones (might have been a fingerprick blood test, might have been with a urine dipstick)?

Do you have a blood glucose meter so you can test at home?
I agree with others, some of the symptoms you describe - eg losing weight without trying - do sound very much like type 1, so I would ask your GP for a referral to a hospital diabetes clinic as a matter of urgency, so they can do tests for type 1.

If you do have type 1 you will need insulin asap, and will not need any Metformin.

I'm also concerned about DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) as you have some of the symptoms of that too -

If you don't have any Ketostix, I'd suggest you get some from pharmacy tomorrow, and test yourself for ketones (they don't cost much, and are very easy to use, you just wee on a stick and see what colour it goes). If you have anything other than trace ketones it's a medical emergency and you'd need to go to A&E asap and not wait to talk to GP.

If you can't get hold of any Ketostix, please go straight to A&E if your breath starts smelling of pear drops and/or if you start throwing up, that could potentially be very serious indeed.
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