Is this doctor a quack?

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New Member
I do not have diabetes but I'm an administrator for a council house exchange website. We have a "general" board and allow our members to post links to other websites, we usually remove links to sites we've not heard of and replace them once we've checked them out.

One of our members has recently posted a link to an American website which claims to cure diabetes by using a natural diet.

If you've all stopped laughing, could you let me know that this is definitely not possible.

I should add that we are highly sceptical and the link will remain deleted from our site unless we find out otherwise.

From my limited knowledge of diabetes I would image that this American doctors claims could be very dangerous.

I have not put the link in because I'm not sure what your rules are here and because it seems unethical to post a link currently removed from my site. If any of the adiministrators would like the link please PM me.

I'd be gratefull for any help or advice, thank you.

All the best - Duncan
LOl if there was a cure would we be here?
Would the product be snake oil? :D
Send him a bill for advertising on your site.
Sounds like it's a fair question to ask Diabetes UK careline - 0845 120 2960, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm - they may have heard of the website you've seen & removed.
There is no cure for any type of diabetes, but lots of things that can help, although it's very doubtful that any non-prescribed "natural diet" would be worth paying money for.
I always find I seem to be inundated with spam for various berries, juices, oils etc that are meant to be a miracle cure but sadly there is no cure at the moment...
Sue, amyes and Copepod,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. You've confirmed my thoughts on the matter. I'll go back "home" and make sure the link never gets put back again.

It wasn't snake oil, just some American doctor advocating a natural diet.

I'll also add a link to this forum, it may be of use to some of our members.

All the best - Duncan
Sue, amyes and Copepod,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. You've confirmed my thoughts on the matter. I'll go back "home" and make sure the link never gets put back again.

It wasn't snake oil, just some American doctor advocating a natural diet.

I'll also add a link to this forum, it may be of use to some of our members.

All the best - Duncan
Sounds like something my Aunt would tell me. She's Canadian and in Canada so can't be her. 😛

I emailed her when I was diagnosed last November and she replied almost in a rage about the idea of me being on insulin and said she had clients who weren't on insulin and were on some special diet that helped them or something. She's a fully trained nutritionist or something like that. 😛
did anyone hear about how halle berry claimed she "cured" her type 1 diabetes through diet and excercise?

Apparently it was actually type 2. but still, cured? I think she is just very stupid.
if everything was cured on diet alone, we would have no need for doctors and quite a large percentage of the population would be very ill. I know one person who only ever has a proper meal when I cook it for her and she is stick thin and does not have any of the things often associated by the mdia with a poor diet.

I agree a good (or healthy diet) can help cut down the risk of getting certain things, and helps keep sugar levels down for us diabetics, but we need to see a doctor too from time to time if we get anything more serious or longer lasting than a cold.
When I was first diagnosed, I used to frequent a newsnet group. There was a guy on there from the USA who would insist to anyone new that they should follow the Bernstein plan as it worked for him. He was most insistant and often upset people with his beliefs.

After a while, he disappeared. It turned out he had had to have a foot amputated due to complications from his 'perfectly controlled' diabetes.
I think it is possible to control diabetes in a number of ways. the lucky ones just watch what they eat and take regular exercise. For the rest of us there are pills and insulin as well as diet. Whatever way our diabetes is controlled, we have to take responsibility for it and control it ourselves.

Anyone who says their idea or cure is the only way to do it, is talking fertiliser. We have this forum for ideas and our medical teams. SInce we are all intlegent people we can work out waht is right for us and what will help keep us healthy!
No way!

I think this is also classic case of differentiating between type 1 and 2 - no matter how much I low carb and exercise as a type 1 - it is not going to make my pancreas kick in again! It gave up when I was 4!! I do think a low carb diet and exercise can have a very positive effect on Type 2 diabetes - but there are many types of diabetes that effects everyone in a difefernt way and every case is individual. All diabetes can be 'controlled' but cured - gimme a break!
what a dream that is to just have a natural diet. what was it soil. I have suffered for 35 yrs I have tried hypnotherpy. accupuncture healthy eating. even had a pancreas transplant to improve my health. I would jump at the chance for it to be easier. What a con artist he deserves a good slap.
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