Is there anyone here from Gloucestershire who is on a pump?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi if I may ask?, is there anyone here from Gloucestershire under the GRH on a pump?

I’m looking to push for one and was wondering if you know what pumps they dish out if eligible. It doesn’t say on their website that I can find. Have a phone appointment on Friday so could do with arming myself with as much info as possible.


Hi @gillrogers I am not in your area however I would suggest contacting your clinic.
they tend to offer the pumps for which they have had training, in order that they can provide the necessary training and support. If you get agreement to go on a pump they will then wait until they have a group ready for the training, which may well be online.

let us know what options are on offer, and there is likely to be someone on here who can fill you in with pros and cons of each.
Hi @gillrogers I am not in your area however I would suggest contacting your clinic.
they tend to offer the pumps for which they have had training, in order that they can provide the necessary training and support. If you get agreement to go on a pump they will then wait until they have a group ready for the training, which may well be online.

let us know what options are on offer, and there is likely to be someone on here who can fill you in with pros and cons of each.
Thanks SB2015 , I gave gad a lovely lady from this area pm me so I’ve got a bit of info to look at. Sounds like they offer the Omnipod , Accuckek and Medtronic for starters.
Watch this space as they say
Thanks SB2015 , I gave gad a lovely lady from this area pm me so I’ve got a bit of info to look at. Sounds like they offer the Omnipod , Accuckek and Medtronic for starters.
Watch this space as they say
That is sounding all very positive.
I am on a Medtronic 780 so if that is an option happy to help with any info.
I think it is important for you to work out what you need from a pump
- do you want closed loop?
- do you want tubes?
- are you concerned about where you can put the pump?
- is size important to you?
- do you want a separate controller?
- how many basal patterns/profiles do you expect to need? (Many people only use one or two. My DSN is shocked that I use four. Some pumps only support a very small number)
- how granular do you need the doses? My first pump allowed something like 0.025 doses, my current only goes down to 0.05. This is relevant for basal as well as bolus.

If you need to convince your DSN/consultant that you would benefit from a pump, you also need to consider the standard function such as small doses and being able to adjust basal every 30 minutes. Why would these features make a difference to you?
That is sounding all very positive.
I am on a Medtronic 780 so if that is an option happy to help with any info.
@gillrogers - Accuchek have dropped out of the insulin pump market - got my replacement pump in January 2021 so I'm one of the last people in the country to get a new one I think. So anyway, my lot (Coventry and Warwickshire) when I had to choose were offering Medtronic 640 (pretty ancient model even though the 780 had already been out a couple of years) Omnipod and T-slim along with the A-c Combo cos they'd already stopped prescribing the A-c Insight anyway.

Hence - no way should anyone be offering an Accu-chek now!
@gillrogers - Accuchek have dropped out of the insulin pump market - got my replacement pump in January 2021 so I'm one of the last people in the country to get a new one I think. So anyway, my lot (Coventry and Warwickshire) when I had to choose were offering Medtronic 640 (pretty ancient model even though the 780 had already been out a couple of years) Omnipod and T-slim along with the A-c Combo cos they'd already stopped prescribing the A-c Insight anyway.

Hence - no way should anyone be offering an Accu-chek now!
Oh perhaps they aren’t now. My source said they where updating their list. I must say if it does happen then im liking the sound of the omnipod.
@gillrogers do you have approval for a pump yet?
If not, I recommend holding back from choosing one. It can take some time to get approval by which time the selection may change and you may be disappointed.
If you do not have approval, I strongly recommend building your case for a pump and proving you know enough about diabetes management to be able to confidently use it. For example, showing you know how and when to adjust your basal and can carb count and are able to quickly revert to mdi should the pump fail.
Thanks Helli, how long roughly?
Thanks Helli, how long roughly?
Unfortunately, that's like asking "how long is a piece of string?"
It can take years to convince your consultant you will benefit from a pump and then could take months to get one once you have the approval and funds.
On the other hand, some people have got one within months.

But I would not make any choices on pumps until I have agreement that I can have one. And, as I mentioned previously, focus on your case for getting one showing that you understand the value it brings to you, how that would minimise the impact of your challenges and prove that you understand carb counting, basal management and can adjust to change easily so that they know you will make the most of it when you get a pump.
Can't remember if you said you had or hadn't done all the modules in Bertie online but anyway if you haven't, I suggest you do so you can tell your clinic you have.
Oh well that’s that then. Noop they won’t put me forward or the pump as my hba1c is show ing on the libre view their end at 58 . Docs actual hba1c is at 68 and my variation is better than most. Never mind the struggle I’m going to get there. I’ve got to see my doc for anxiety over it.
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