Is there a connection ? Diabetes and the Heat ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all.. I'm still here, just I am a lot more forgetful than I used to be..

Is there a connection between diabetes and the heat ? (Temperature).

Whilst many of you know I am recovering from having Covid nearly 2 weeks a go, today since being out in the heat my bloods are extremely high like 20's and i'm really spaced out.

Just wondering really, in case there is something i'm missing ?
Definitely heat can affect diabetes. A lot of people are finding that it makes them drop lower, although it can have the opposite effect.
You are getting over an illness though, that might be messing things up too. Being in the 20s isn’t good and that’s probably why you feel spaced out. Do you know about sick day rules and how to adjust your insulin?
Definitely heat can affect diabetes. A lot of people are finding that it makes them drop lower, although it can have the opposite effect.
You are getting over an illness though, that might be messing things up too. Being in the 20s isn’t good and that’s probably why you feel spaced out. Do you know about sick day rules and how to adjust your insulin?
Thank you. I dont know about sick day rules or how to adjust insulin.
This is what it says on the NHS:
it seems a bit non-specific to me, we had quite detailed instructions from the hospital stating how much extra insulin to take if you have ketones as well or if you don’t. However, if you are not comfortable with adjusting your doses then perhaps I’d better not post that here!
Please do contact your medical team, if you’re sitting in the 20s a lot of the time that’s really bad and you need to know how to safely increase your insulin doses. You also need to test for ketones, can you do that? You can get urine sticks easily at a chemist, as a type 1 though you really ought to have a blood ketone meter and strips as that will be more accurate. If you have high ketones that aren’t coming down you might need to go to hospital. Not trying to scare you, but please make sure you know how to look after yourself and take medical advice if necessary. If you start being sick please see a doctor or got to A&E immediately.
Thank you. I dont know about sick day rules or how to adjust insulin.

Give the hospital DSNs a call @IamLawrie You might have to leave a message if they’re busy, but they should call you back. Explain you don’t have any Sick Day Rules (you should) and ask them to advise you about correction doses. Write down what they say.

Covid can leave you feeling exhausted both physically and mentally, and high sugars will on,y make you feel worse. Drink plenty of water and test for ketones. How are your blood sugars now?
Thank you. I dont know about sick day rules or how to adjust insulin.

Sorry to hear your levels have been running so high recently.

Can you get in contact with your DSN to ask for more help and support.

Sick day rules are here:

Have you considered doing the BERTIE course (free online) which is a bit like DAFNE

That might really help you get your head around insulin therapy
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