Is the BG Smart Watch Genuibne?


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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Only £70 (half price). I reckon that if it actually worked, then Abbott and/or Dexcom would have bought it out...

"It was initially led by a group of experienced glucose monitor professors..."
How many 'experienced glucose monitor professors' do you think exist?
And is the collective noun for a group of them a con?!
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But it is it genuine?
I'm going to guess no. Like all the others, it's probably producing results that look kind of plausible for people who don't have diabetes. I don't see any mention of MRD or MARD or any indication that they've, you know, tested it. Which would seem like a good thing to do if they actually had something that worked.
Here's a review of one that I think might be the same? (Similar name, anyway, though the watch shape is different so maybe not): The Truth Behind Non-Invasive Glucose Watch's Initial Readings
Definitely not that is a rip off - if you have a Libre you can send sensor readings to your smart watch though with alarms too (I do and it's great) - there are a few hurdles to jump to get there but it is achievable (see photo - you even get a graph and it's colour-coded (the gap on the graph is where I changed my sensor tonight!!)))


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In the photo the guy has his hand over where a sensor would be and they are unspecific about how it gets its readings, buy one and you will probably find it might link to your Libre 2 or whatever (or might not) but I'm certain it won't do it on its own.
Why would you put a sensor on the top of your wrist? (It isn't) - Install Juggulco on your phone and then G Watch Wear on watch and google how to do it - it gets the readings the same time and works perfectly - don't criticise what you have no idea about - that is rude - If anyone would like more detailed help on how to achieve this, DM me and ignore this idiot
Not reliable or fit for purpose I’m afraid @MikeyBikey :(

There has been a spate of advertising on the UK in recent months, which led to Diabetes UK putting out a statement saying that they were not recommnended, and drawing distinctions between approved and regulated CGM (glucose data from some of which can be viewed on smartwatches), and these unregulated devices.

Diabetes UK put this response together after a number of enquiries:
  • There is currently no regulation for this technology to be tested for accuracy in the same way that glucose sensors (CGM and Flash) are.
  • Where accuracy data is available and from customer reviews, this technology does not currently provide accurate enough data (especially for anyone living with type 1 diabetes)
  • People should continue to use the blood glucose monitoring equipment supplied by their diabetes teams.
  • If an individual with type 2 diabetes is considering purchasing one as a guide, they should discuss this with their diabetes healthcare professional. We should also make them aware of this GOV.UK webpage - Know what you're buying! which has information to help people buy medicines and medical devices online safely. Please note – this is not an endorsement of buying medicines/medical devices online – it is information on what people should look out for and check when looking at these products online
  • We would not recommend purchasing as a gift for a friend with diabetes
The next Samsung watches have a new BioActive Sensor. The Verge describes it like this:

On top of the usual sensors, the Galaxy Watch 7 and Ultra also have an upgraded Samsung BioActive Sensor for improved heart rate, EKG, and body composition analysis. The gist is the new BioActive Sensor adds more LEDs and more colors of LEDS — blue, yellow, violet, and ultraviolet, to be specific. That mostly adds a new experimental Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) Index metric, which Samsung says takes a look at your “diet and lifestyle” to reflect your overall biological aging process. (Aside from confirming that this does not refer to blood glucose, that’s about as clear as Samsung got.)​

I interpret this (possibly incorrectly) as an indication that blood glucose is really hard and they're not expecting to have it working any time soon so they're trying to come up with other things which might be sellable.
In the photo the guy has his hand over where a sensor would be and they are unspecific about how it gets its readings, buy one and you will probably find it might link to your Libre 2 or whatever (or might not) but I'm certain it won't do it on its own.
Oh yes. I see what you’re saying.
The thing I’ve heard about these “non invasive” rip off watches is it will give a blood glucose reading. But it’s less likely to be as accurate as a broken wrist watch which will at least tell the correct time twice a day.


Why would you put a sensor on the top of your wrist? (It isn't) - Install Juggulco on your phone and then G Watch Wear on watch and google how to do it - it gets the readings the same time and works perfectly - don't criticise what you have no idea about - that is rude - If anyone would like more detailed help on how to achieve this, DM me and ignore this idiot
The Gwatch wear app is brilliant. Also puts a widget on my phone Home Screen. 🙂 I have a watch cover due to my clumsiness with watches. (& my work activity.)
One thing I might ask you. I’d love to get low BG alerts on my watch instead of my phone beeping & having to snooze. I’d rather a vibrate from the watch?

Oh yes. I see what you’re saying.
The thing I’ve heard about these “non invasive” rip off watches is it will give a blood glucose reading. But it’s less likely to be as accurate as a broken wrist watch which will at least tell the correct time twice a day.

View attachment 30877

The Gwatch wear app is brilliant. Also puts a widget on my phone Home Screen. 🙂 I have a watch cover due to my clumsiness with watches. (& my work activity.)
One thing I might ask you. I’d love to get low BG alerts on my watch instead of my phone beeping & having to snooze. I’d rather a vibrate from the watch?

View attachment 30878

I have one of those watches. Both will be right in twenty minutes! :rofl:
I have one of those watches. Both will be right in twenty minutes! :rofl:
lol, from what I’ve read. & seen on YouTube. These fake non invasive BG watches are fine for the non-diabetic with no concerns. It just tells them the BG is fine? Which it probably is & they are told what they want to hear. What I see for the rest of “us.” At the moment this “tech” for those of us who have diabetes. The only option either draws blood or probes interstitial fluid.
This fellow puts three of them through their paces. It's not exactly thorough testing but it's probably as close as you will get. Although they all claim to have a sugar sensor they actually seem to give a best guess based on other readable results. Pity he doesn't do higher BS readings to give a better idea but he is using himself as the guinea pig. Fine and fun if you aren't reliant on them.

Some of the comments are interesting.

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This fellow puts three of them through their paces. It's not exactly thorough testing but it's probably as close as you will get. Although they all claim to have a sugar sensor they actually seem to give a best guess based on other readable results. Pity he doesn't do higher BS readings to give a better idea but he is using himself as the guinea pig. Fine and fun if you aren't reliant on them.

Some of the comments are interesting.

I like this YouTuber. He’s T1. (I’ve seen this months back.) Friendly informative & balanced. & pretty much highlights my earlier post. Like the fellow even more. Thanks for finding this again. The device puts its fingers in its ears & goes La, la la.