Is the ADA adopting a more Balanced Approach?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Dear All,

Have a look at this - how long before DUK does a copy :D. Left click here.

Regards Dodger
That is very interesting Dodger.

Thanks for posting it.

Its just the usual waffle that doesn't come to any conclusions. Pitting various voices against each other without ever coming down on one side or the other. The familiar mumbled platitudes about One Size not fitting all etc.

Current Diabetes Uk/ NHS dietary recommendations seem sensible enough ...
A low GI, Mediterranean-style diet with ...
45- 60 % of calories from carbs depending on level of activity and work done.
10-20% of calories from Protein
Upto 35% from fats including at least 25% from "good" fats.

Carb Awareness and Moderating carbs are currently the big features of Type 2 education programmes such as X-Pert Patient courses.
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