Is Santa on statins?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I wonder what Santa's cholesterol is like? All those mince pies he's going to get through, I bet he gets through more than his alloted 3 units of alcohol. He must be a prime candidate for Type 2. And he only works one day a year! He probably ought to be on ramipril too, and possibly aspirin and clopidogrel...🙂

Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!
He' got almost a year to restabilise🙂

Enjoy your holiday period
How about a few thoughts for the reindeer. They have to pull the sleigh which is heavy enouh on its own without all those presents and this fat guy in a red suit sitting on top.

In case you're wondering I'm vegetarian and our guest this Christmas is Gobble the turkey...
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