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Is it under control?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hiya All

First off, an update, saw my nurse in January and my BM was 5.1 (after not eating for about four hours) so I'd bought it down another 0.4mmols. I've lost a stone and a half since the beginning of December and as someone advised me I do feel better in myself. Now I've bought a Blood Sugar monitoring machine as I wanted to check my levels periodically. I've found that one hour after eating my evening meal and a 35 minute walk before checking my levels, they were 6.7. Is that good? My blood levels prior to my evening meal have been as low as 3.7 & when checked the same time the next day they were 4.7. Is that within normal limits? I've checked my lunchtime blood levels which were 5.2 or 5.3. Is this good and am I on the right track. Seems an eternity when my morning blood fasting levels taken at the doctors was 10mmols.:)

Finally is there a website that gives you a rough indication of what BM levels should be?
To be truthful, the attitude was your diet controlled so you don't need a BM monitor, but it leaves me in Limbo, thus that's why I went out and bought one, but thanks for the advice, very helpful!
Blimey. Your levels sound exceptionally good. Mine were nearly 27 when diagnosed and I've only ever been under 10 around three times since November 2008. Don't worry at all!
Your levels look pretty good. I am usually around 10 but have been a slow as 4. Once you are settled you will get to know what is normal for you. My dad was told by the specialist that since his levels seemd to always be around 8 thta was normal for him.

The ranges we are given (between 4 & 7 or 5 & 8) are guidelines as we are all individuals. SOunds like you have excellent control. Keep up the good work.
Super levels!

Well done Faceman! That is what we are all aiming for - you diet is working and well done on the great weight loss (and you Paul - 3 stone excellent!)
Those levels look great, especially the one hour reading, usually we are advised not to test until 2 hours and to get back in range by one hour is great.
I'd say keep checking your levels, especially when trying new foods to see how they affect you.
Blimey. Your levels sound exceptionally good. Mine were nearly 27 when diagnosed and I've only ever been under 10 around three times since November 2008. Don't worry at all!

You've done well Paul. I was 14 - 18 in Nov 08, and now down to 8 - 10. I am getting a few about 7 now, but my lowest EVER is still 6.4, which is a bit disappointing.

Just been put up to 4 x Metformin a day so hope that will do the trick. :)