Is it really four years...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is it really four years since I got my pump? In many ways it doesn't feel like it. I certainly wouldn't want to revert to MDI - emphasis on the M... I was injecting possibly ten or more times daily😱.

Tomorrow, I'm off to Bournemouth to get my new pump. It will be interesting to see how the Insight compares with the Combo.
I remember it well when you got your pump Susan 🙂 Hope the new one works out just as well, if not better (things ought to get better after 4 years! 🙂)
Totally different in a lot of ways Susan. Good luck!
Tomorrow, I'm off to Bournemouth to get my new pump. It will be interesting to see how the Insight compares with the Combo.

Good luck with the new pump, I'm a Bournemouth pumper too, give my best to those wonderful DSNs there, I'm there for a 'pump refresher' course in two weeks - on the basis that there's always something worth learning! Look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Insight, I'm not eligible until November but I'm not sure I want it - did you get a choice?

I have just been reading Diatribe's 'Adam's Corner' about Low Carb diets. I wish I hadn't, because I do recognise so many similar effects, I just can't bear the thought of giving up bread or rice (my preferred carbs!) Here is the link if you (or anyone else!) are interested -
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Good luck with the new pump, I'm a Bournemouth pumper too, give my best to those wonderful DSNs there, I'm there for a 'pump refresher' course in two weeks - on the basis that there's always something worth learning! Look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Insight, I'm not eligible until November but I'm not sure I want it - did you get a choice?

I have just been reading Diatribe's 'Adam's Corner' about Low Carb diets. I wish I hadn't, because I do recognise so many similar effects, I just can't bear the thought of giving up bread or rice (my preferred carbs!) Here is the link if you (or anyone else!) are interested -

No choice!

having now got my shiny new pump I'm decamping back to Dorchester, as they now do pumps. Time will tell with the Insight.
36 hours in - it is definitely slower to do things than the Combo.
I have just been reading Trophywench's response in another post here about Medtronic's artificial pancreas - she certainly isn't impressed with its speed. What a shame. I am now at a point where it takes me along time to learn how things work, if it is time-consuming and complicated I might not be able to...? Perhaps I can use this to refuse an Insight? Are they still even making the Combos? Did you get one exactly 4 years after getting your first pump?

Sorry - hope you will suddenly find it has things you love - best of luck with it!
I certainly don't find it an improvement Susan, all that is better for me is the fact that I don't have to fill a reservoir now, And that is THAT.

However - none of us know whether any other make or type of pump would be 'better' in our view, do we?
I have just been reading Trophywench's response in another post here about Medtronic's artificial pancreas - she certainly isn't impressed with its speed. What a shame. I am now at a point where it takes me along time to learn how things work, if it is time-consuming and complicated I might not be able to...? Perhaps I can use this to refuse an Insight? Are they still even making the Combos? Did you get one exactly 4 years after getting your first pump?

Sorry - hope you will suddenly find it has things you love - best of luck with it!
Yes I've just been told that Roche are still making Combos so we are going to get another one. We seem to get quite a good choice though, could have Medtronic, Animas, Roche Insight or Roche Combo if we wanted. Some people don't get any choice, so good luck!
It's irritating little things so far - like the case for the handset being a very tight fit and having to recharge the battery every night.
Yup - and not being able to use the meter/handset while it's still in the case - I nearly always did that with the Combo one.

And why the hell do you need to tell it 3 times that you want the bolus it's told you?

Accept - yes thanks.

Do you want me to deliver it? - well yes, why would I have accepted it if I didn't?

Could you confirm that please? - FFS - OK then - bloody well just do it, will you? - my dinner's getting cold !

Or as Thora Hird's Birmingham landlady used to say 'Gerron with it - yo'll ave it dark!' whilst watching Saturday afternoon football on TV !
as someone pointed out to me - giving people with diabetes a touch sensitive screen is not very clever if you've been using the pads of your fingers for fingerpricks for years (as some people have undoubtedly been doing)

I used to be able to deliver myself a small bolus for my free Waitrose latte while it was brewing. Now I'm only half way through when my coffee's ready🙄

We have to remember it's an improvement🙄🙄
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