Is it possible to be on byetta or victoza and insulin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
if so is anyone on here on both. At my last diabetic check up the consultant i saw talked about this said he would have to look into it and i never heard anything about it again
Hi Gail,
as I understood it yes it's pos, but byetta is not licenced for use with insulin. There are people that do use this mix though and get on very well with it.
How are you today?
As you know im on victoza only but I was told insulin and that were not licenced to be taken together,BUT vicsetter who i know wont mind me mentioning him is on both victoza and levimir.I do know it is possible for the to work well together but im sure someone more up on the subject will know more
no personal experiences but victoza/byetta I believe helps the insulin in the system work more effectively, so in theory it may be possible, however there are things like metformin that do the same thing..............just guessing though.........
Hi Gail, as Steff said I'm on Levemir in the morning and Victoza in the evening. Seeing my GP tomorrow, she prescribed it, but it is not licenced. the Victoza jab of 1.2 units seems to have replace 60 units of Levemir and the possibility of nocturnal Hypos seems to have disappeared. I started on Victoza in January this year, no problems, but stopped the Metformin in April with stomach aches and the usual side effects.
Symlin was mentioned at a recent lecture I attended. Somewhat similar in action to Byetta but approved for use with insulin in Type IIs. Linked to rats rather tha Gila monsters! A rabbit or goat would be nice!*?

Couldn't find Symlin in the BNF so maybe not got here yet. I thought the next version of Victoza/Byetta was going to be a once a week injection. Symlin and Byetta both suffer from having to be timed to your meals. I believe if you don't time Byetta to your meal correctly you suffer nausea and sickness!. Victoza is once a day, anytime.
Can't add to what others have already said Gail. Not licenced to be taken together but some people do have both and have had success with it. Maybe worth mentioning it to your doc next time you see him. XXXXX
I am on Levemir and Novorapid and was put on Byetta.. It didn't agree with me and after after the 6 month I was taken it off it.
Just been to my GP, she is quite happy with the Levemir/Victoza. However we spent about 10 mins while she told me that Forth Valley Trust had stopped support for Irbesartan (blood pressure tablets) as they were expensive, so she took them off and was about to replace them with Losartan when she noticed that the alternatives had been tried and I didn't get on with them so she put Irbersartan back. I now have to remember what she said as she is retiring and the record of my response to the alternatives are in her notes and not on the computer, so i might get a letter wanting to replace the Irbersartan.
Irbersartan is ?11.84 for 28 tablets and Losartan is ?2.38 for 28 tablets. She added on Flexitol for my heels (a giant 7 oz tube which must cost more than the pills), the world has gone mad!
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