Is it only me... (vague topic-mood swings)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'll try to avoid quoting Terry Wogan too much, but is it only me that seems to have optimism/pessimism mood swings for no discernable reason?

I know that diabetes can lead to mood swings and depression for some, and I truly feel for them, but most times I have started on that track I can at least point to poor control, or frustration at how rigid a lifestyle/rut I have got into as a reason.

Just recently however, depsite plenty of exercise, eating pretty well, to include space for treats, all medical results improving and the sun now starting to appear, I have found myself in a terrible 'I hate the world and the world hates me' mood interspersed by wierd 2/3 hour periods when it feels like that cloud has lifted.

So my question is:

Am I imagining this, is there something clinical behind it, or more realistically am I entering my mid life crisis!

All views welcome, or not as the case may be

Cheers all

sorry to hear you not so good at the moment malc ...there seems to be a few of us having these mood swings who knows why suddenly the old black cloud comes over but we do know really that it will blow away again so ride the storm and post your rants it seems to be helping a few of us at the moment .....or you could come and join us all in my special stress free cupboard !
( see aimee thread )
Hi Big Malc, I hope you are feeling better. We all have mood swings, the why me days when something comes along to burst our bubbles.

I find it helps to come here because I know I am not alone, and everyone is very supportive. Pop in and share success and failure, it helps.
Hey there BigMalc glad to hear you're getting active I remember your thread about trying to get off your backside a while back, what got you up and about can I ask?

Hmm mood swings? I find it hard to work out if anything is D related or just plain old me, I think there can be medical reasons for a lot, don't they say us men have more chance of depression esp if diabetic? I may be wrong but I thought I've read that in a few places. Hey I'm not saying your a depressive, just saying, well I don't know, maybe try and work on the cloud has lifted moments and make the last a bit longer. At the very least feel free to pop in here and have a moan at nothing inparticular. If it is a mid life crisis I hope you find the root of it and get more happy days in.

Take care

Hi Rossi,

Activity wise is all good, joined the local athletics club beginners road running group and now do 3.5-4.5m with them on Tuesday nights, badminton most wednesdays, 3-5m again most Thursdays and the 5k Park Run event most Saturdays, so that is all going well.

I try to avoid the word depression as I know some people get really affected by it, whereas I am just going through 'a bit of a downer' but as long as I keep the exercise going, and in this weather it is great!, I know things will flip back at some point.

One fo the great things about this site is you can sound off to the e-world without constantly bugging your friends and family and it all seems better after moan!

Cheers for the support folks, and at 43 it really could be a mid life crisis starting- anyone know where to get cheap sports cars and fast girls (or the other way around!)😛

very funny Malc, re sports car & girls!!

Sounds great with the running etc, I hope I get back out there soon, but seem to be stuck in the garden most of the time!

chin up

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