Is it normal ??

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all I have been experiencing bad "high abdominal" pain after meals that contain moderate carbs. I realise I should be controlling this with more Appidra. The pain seems to come from what's left of my pancreas as though it is trying to produce more insulin to cope. My bg at the time was 15.9 so I gave myself 2 units of Appidra and then went to bed. The following morning my bg was 4.1 and the pain had almost gone.

I am not sure if the pain is caused by my what's left of my pancreas (and this worries me ) although i have only just started to have the drains removed and realise i have alot of healing to do internally, or from the high BG.

This is all new to me and any advice is much appreciated, I will be seeing my consultant from the pancreatic team in a couple of weeks so will be able to ask him also.

Thanks in advance . 🙂
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Hi Mike, I think I'd want to talk to someone sooner than two weeks if you are in pain - do you have a phone number for anyone, a nurse maybe? High blood sugars wouldn't cause pain as you describe as far as I know, and although 15.9 is high, it's not stratospheric. My slight concern would be that you took 2 units and this dropped your levels right down to 4.1, so I wouldn't have thought you need more Apidra as that may send you hypo :(
I also agree with Northerner, I'd talk to someone asap and not wait two weeks. If you're having pain, it should be investigated quickly. Northe's right about the drop too, that's a lot for 2 units.
I agree with Northerner, I would seek medical advice!
Thanks for the replies, I am not in pain while my BG'S are controlled. I am having the drain partially removed early next week with the specialist nurse who works for my consultant. I will bring it up with her and see what she suggest't .

My morning BG is normally between 4-5 and my bed time level is normally sub 9. Only on the odd occasions has it been higher ( Indian meals, Pub lunches etc)
Finding this hard ( how do you inject apidra in your leg while in public ?)

Thanks again.
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Through your trousers Mike - I personally have never done it as I don't fancy it, but shedloads of people do. I always used my abdomen either hyst above my waistband or just below, in public.

I hope some of the peep on here who've had the op will be along soon and may know the answer - I haven't a clue but is it possibly a Creon issue?
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