is it just me

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am not sure if this is the reason but since taking novorapid insulin i have become very withdrawn and feel like i am in my own world a lot of the time i don't seem to have much interest in many things and find it very hard to make conversation with people especially the ones i work with.The only person who i can really be myself with is my wife and just want to know if anyone else has felt like this. I have lost a lot of confidence and need to try and find the reason why.
Steve, how long have you been diagnosed, and how old are you?
I don't know if it has anything to do with insulin as such but I'd say the symptoms you describe are quite typical of what most of us experience/have experienced at some point as a result if being diabetic...
I am 39 and have been a diabetic since i was 16 but have only felt like this for about the las year or so when i mention it to my diabetes nurse she just tells me that this is very common with diabetics but i just need to know why so maybe i can change the way i am feeling
Hi Steve

Poor you! Sadly diabetics seem to be more prone to depression than the general population but what else is going on in your life? Is it diabetes getting you down or life in general?
Hiya it is the diabetes that is getting me down but also i have problems at work which also doesn't help
Hi Steve,
I know exactly how you feel, iv felt like that without the drug or insulin ur talking about for a long time. its maybe more like abit of depression you have, i hate to say that, but with work problems etc it could be.
As someone who suffers from depression a lot, I can recognise some of the symptoms you are describing. Apparently, depression occurs in approximately 35% of people who suffer from diabetes as opposed to around 5% of those without. Whether it's a physical connection or due to the daily effects of living with a chronic illness is somewhat open to discussion, but personally I feel is a combination of both.

In your annual review, your nurse should be asking you questions to gauge how you are feeling, but if you are feeling these symptoms and noticing them, it would be worthwhile talking to your doctor. There are lots of treatments that can help, and not just tablets.
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