iPhone Libre 2 alarms

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Rob Oldfield

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

I've always used the Libre 2 reader rather than my phone (it's a work phone so requires unlocking before I can do anything with it) but this evening the reader has decided to go clunk (just turned off and now failing to switch on).

So that I can retain the alarms I've now put in a new sensor activated from the phone, but I'm at a bit of a loss about settings. I'm quite techie but have never really got into the entire mobile phone thing. So when the Libre app gives me the choice of either Custom or Standard sound, then where do I specify what those sounds are? Can I get it just to vibrate instead?

All very disappointing as I was running at a record high TIR as well.... so will just have to start from scratch. Ah well.

Thanks for any advice for this iPhone dimwit. Please assume I know nothing about them.
Hmmm. I tried setting the boundaries as tight as they can be - 5.6 to 6.7 - and waited to go outside of that one way or the other, and also turned the signal loss option off (because I always have it turned off on the reader and don't really know what it does).... just checked reading and I'm outside the range but with no warning. Checking the app and it tells me it wanted to tell me about signal loss but wasn't able to. And then just vibrates once to indicate my level is too low? That's really not going to wake me up.

I've switched the alarms to 'Standard' now, so lets see that does. Really is a dreadful bit of design that there's no way I can see of testing the settings.
Hi Rob, I am bit disappointed with the alarms on the iPhone app. It appears that Custom is a high pitched beeping and Standard is the iPhone tritone sound (like what you can get as standard for texts and notifications). Whatever you do in iPhone settings it doesn’t change these tones in the Libre app, so it looks like they are hard coded and you should think of them as simply two options totally separate to iPhone settings.

However it will follow whatever you have the iPhone set to with regard to silent (by flicking the left hand side switch to silence sounds). When you do this (not tried it with Libre alarms) I would suspect you just get a vibration regardless of whether you have Custom or Standard set.

If you have the iPhone Do Not Disturb option switched on, then unless you also have Override Do Not Disturb set in the Librelink app you will not get an alarm.

That’s my understanding of it all, hopefully this helps?
Oh, you also need to be within around 6m / 20 ft of your iPhone for the alarms to work. Outside of this range you will get the signal lost alarm (if switched on in the Librelink app). This does work - as tested the other weekend when I wandered off at the beach leaving my phone with my wife. She panicked when it alarmed with loss of signal, not knowing if I had a hypo and was collapsed somewhere (luckily I wasn’t and it was just the signal loss alarm!).
Thanks for confirming @Eternal422. I kicked off today reporting the dodgy reader to Abbott (so replacement plus replacement sensor on it's way) and they also didn't really understand it - expecting the alarms to trigger one of the standard configurable sounds. I've been playing with settings today and have been coming to the same conclusion as you - so good to know that I'm not just going mad and someone else is getting the same thing.

Useless solution though - I really don't think that alarm is going to wake me if I go out of range overnight. Think if I was going to be stuck with using the phone long term I'd have to play with options like keeping the phone in a saucepan or something else that would magnify the vibration volume (that idea picked up from an old thread on there - thanks to those that contributed to that as well!)
And now, following an update to the operating system on the phone that I plugged in at lunchtime, it's now making different louder noises for alarms (still not enough to wake me up I think), but it's making annoying beeping noises when I scan the sensor with no obvious way of switching them off. Oh dear. Will be very glad to get back to the good old low tech reader when it arrives.
Yes, mine makes a noise when you scan. The only way to stop that is to hit the mute switch on the phone. But then you won’t hear any alarms

Definitely an area where they could improve things on the app! It would be good to allow you to choose which sound you want for each alarm and also for when you scan.
Yes, mine makes a noise when you scan. The only way to stop that is to hit the mute switch on the phone. But then you won’t hear any alarms

Definitely an area where they could improve things on the app! It would be good to allow you to choose which sound you want for each alarm and also for when you scan.

That really is crazy. I seem to recall reading that your entirely sensible idea is in place on Android, so guessing there must be something problematic on the iPhone operating system that stops it being done.
Hi Rob and Eternal422, I have the same issue with iPhone alarms, I can see this was a year back, have you found any solution?

I always used the Libre 2 reader, as the primary device, same as you Rob, i also used the iPhone as well, so the Reader was set for alarms, mostly in vibrate mode, it vibrated for ages for a high/low alarm, which is ideal for nighttime, always woke me. I switched to iPhone this week for the CGM functionality which is great but the alarms are awful, either very noisy and annoying or when the iPhone is in do not disturb mode ( left button) just get a single buzz, which won’t wake me up, similar to how notification are designed not to wake you.

Need something similar to a phone ringing, something continuous with either a phone chime (for daytime) or just a vibrate, and for it not to stop until you respond.

Any help would be appreciated, this really needs to be picked up by Abbott.

Thanks, Mark
Hi Rob and Eternal422, I have the same issue with iPhone alarms, I can see this was a year back, have you found any solution?

I always used the Libre 2 reader, as the primary device, same as you Rob, i also used the iPhone as well, so the Reader was set for alarms, mostly in vibrate mode, it vibrated for ages for a high/low alarm, which is ideal for nighttime, always woke me. I switched to iPhone this week for the CGM functionality which is great but the alarms are awful, either very noisy and annoying or when the iPhone is in do not disturb mode ( left button) just get a single buzz, which won’t wake me up, similar to how notification are designed not to wake you.

Need something similar to a phone ringing, something continuous with either a phone chime (for daytime) or just a vibrate, and for it not to stop until you respond.

Any help would be appreciated, this really needs to be picked up by Abbott.

Thanks, Mark
Hi Mark. Nothing more here I'm afraid - I've just gone back to using the reader. Hopefully somebody else will be able to chip in with info about how to get the alarm more functional.

All the best
About 'scaning noise' and sounds options for the Alams

Hi, for the libre 2 scanning sounds you have two options: 'Sounds and vibration' & 'vibration'.
To change it,
you go to the menu in the 'LibreLink' app (multi-lines top left).
Inside, you go to 'settings'
inside you'll find the option 'scan sounds'
inside you'll find the two options mentioned above

For changing the sounds for your Alarms
Go to the menu-option 'Alarms'
Click directly on the 'Alams'
Inside you'll find the three Alarms
clik directly on the name of the choosen alarm (not on or off)
inside you'll find the options 'SOUNDS' 'Alarm tone'
click on it and you'll all options to control your alarm like
'Alert' or 'Silent'
'Show as pop-up'
'Lock screen' {if Alarm should shown on your lock screen or not)
'Sounds' 'Alarm tone'
click on it and you can choose
type of sound and the loudness

That's how it works on my Android phone 'LibreLink' app, but I guess that on your iphone 'LibreLink' app it should work very similar.

Regards, Ralf
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