Invokana / victoza

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone (1st post for me)

A bit of history....

I've been a diabetic for 10 years now type two. Was originally just on metformin 1g then 2g then after 7 years or so added sitagliptin 100mg. my HB1c started at 6 in old money and steadily went up until last year it was 65 in new money. I was a regular weekend drinker since my teens but stopped drinking completely 25/12/2016. I am now 44. 2016 not long after I gave up alcohol my HB1c went to 6.3 in old money but my recent test (before Christmas 2017 and April 2017) showed it had gone up to 65 in new money. My weight is 120kg I'm 5'9" and have been this weight for at least 15 years. I'm not a big sweet eater I just tend to eat a large main course but that's it. I don't snack at all between meal times.

Change in medication to Lyxumia

My doctor put me on Lyxumia 10 then 20mg in December 2017. But I've been regularly checking my levels and my glucose is always 10-11 first thing in the morning before breakfast so the Lyxumia is not having any affect. I'm still on sitagliptin and metformin 2g daily as well.

doctors appointment Jan 2018

I'm seeing my diabetic doctor this week and I'd like to try Invokana or foxigia with victoza and metformin. Is this possible or can I only take either victoza or Invokana? Has anyone else here been put on this combination?

I do not want to take insulin because I am a safety critical rail worker and would not be allowed to work then.

Ultimately I need to loose weight and Invokana/victoza will hopefully do that in combination with my diet and exercise routine.

Just wonder what your thoughts are on this?

further info...
I have a artificial aortic Heart valve and take warfarin to control my coagulation (I self test for this) and a slightly reduced heart function because of this.
Hi @Cityblow22 , welcome to the forum. Sorry I can’t help with the meds querie as I have no experience with them. Hope fully others who do will be along soon.

Have you tried reducing the fast acting carbohydrates , many of us here have and have had good results.
Thes are potatoes esp mashed, Rice, pasta, and bread esp white

Feel free to ask questions we’ll do our best to help
Hi @Cityblow22 , welcome to the forum. Sorry I can’t help with the meds querie as I have no experience with them. Hope fully others who do will be along soon.

Have you tried reducing the fast acting carbohydrates , many of us here have and have had good results.
Thes are potatoes esp mashed, Rice, pasta, and bread esp white

Feel free to ask questions we’ll do our best to help
Wow and I thought I was on a few tablets! I’m more like a shaker compared to your tambourine LJC

I’m pritty good with that sort of thing I Very occasionally eat pasta and always try to keep the skins on the potatoes.
Will have to see who else takes these relatively new meds I’ve suggested....
I do like my sweeties lol.
I’ve cut my carbs quite a lot , I don’t go as low in carbohydrates as some here but I’ve cut them quite a lot I just have a couple of small new potatoes, or 6 oven chips.
Skins on spuds are really good but not if the actual amount of spud is more than your particular body can handle without shedloads of help' Same as being brown (bread, rice, pasta ....) doesn't reduce the carb content, just slows down it's delivery via our digestive systems. If that works slower than the insulin I've injected for that amount of carbs, then I'll just be hypo!

Easier to just not eat that amount of carbs anyway!

What are the NICE Guidelines or the contra-indications for using either of the drugs you mention - there have been so many new T2 drugs in the last few years, I've totally lost track of exactly what they do and how they work. I'd have to Google them - but I don't need to know - whereas you do, so you could do that!
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