Invitation to participate in research


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello Diabetes UK forum members!

Thank you for inviting me into your community.

My name is Seth, I am currently studying a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire. For my thesis, I am conducting research to understand how people recently diagnosed with T1DM adapt to the use of glucose monitoring devices and whether this impacts on their relationship to food and eating behaviours.

I am looking to interview people who have been diagnosed with T1DM in the last 5 years and have been using glucose monitoring devices for at least 6 months.

This study builds on the recommendations of Wallace et al. (2023). I have attached a copy of my recruitment poster and study information sheet. Ethical approval has been granted by the University of Hertfordshire Ethics Board (LMS/PGR/UH/05670).

As a thank you your time and experiences, we are offering £15 online vouchers for your participation in the interview (approximately one hour, online or in person in Hatfield, Hertfordshire).

If you would like to participate, please use the URL link below or the QR code on the poster to complete the registration form.

If you have any questions, recommendations or would like further information I am available to contact here or at

Many thanks,
Seth Mackie

This has been approved by @AnnaDUK. This study is not affiliated with Diabetes UK.

