Invitation to participate in a Master's Level Type 2 Diabetes study


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Relationship to Diabetes
Hello everyone 🙂 my name is Ayomide Adesina, I am a Master's in psychology student at the University of Hertfordshire.
I am conducting a study titled 'using a qualitative approach determine the effectiveness of interventions that use Behavioural Change Techniques in individuals Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus' and I am seeking participants.

You May Qualify If You
  • Are 18 years and older
  • Have Type 2 Diabetes
  • Have used my mhealth app within the past 12 months and must have used the app for at least 3 months

  • Have attended a diabetes support group within the last 12 months and must have attended for at least 3 months
Potential Benefits
This gives an opportunity for participants to give their opinions on these kinds of interventions and explain how it has impacted their daily living with diabetes in their own words.

Participation Involves
Participating in a 30-minute online interview via video conferencing software (zoom) with questions pertaining to the intervention (either app or support group) and Diabetes.

If you are interested in taking part of this study or know anyone who might be interested please reach out to me via email at for more details. Also see the attached flyer for more details.

I would greatly appreciate your support in recruiting participants for this study, Thank you for reading through my post and I hope to hear from anyone interested soon 🙂
This has been approved by leva @Ieva DUK


  • IMG_0570.jpeg
    61.1 KB · Views: 6
I have never heard of that app you mention and nobody has mentioned it here either so may be something regional. Also I never been offered a support group so you may be restricting your audience.
I'm afraid the flyer is unreadable, print too small and close text. Don't forget many with diabetes have issues with eyesight.
It also says that to qualify to use the app you have to be living in the kent area of great britain ? unfortunatly i do not qualify as i live up north of the country it looks like a good app for those that are near the area and looks very good from what i can see
I'm afraid the flyer is unreadable, print too small and close text. Don't forget many with diabetes have issues with eyesight.
I think we have here another example of an attempted study which has not been piloted on anyone, let alone diabetic persons.
Printing descriptive information in pale blue text on a dark blue background is an immediate no-no...
I have never heard of that app you mention and nobody has mentioned it here either so may be something regional. Also I never been offered a support group so you may be restricting your audience.
I'm afraid the flyer is unreadable, print too small and close text. Don't forget many with diabetes have issues with eyesight.
Thank you so much for responding🙂 I have changed the flyer to a more visible one. And as for the app here is a picture of it. Yes I can understand that the participation criteria is quite specific, luckily not so many participants are required 🙂


  • IMG_0563.jpeg
    32.8 KB · Views: 2
I think we have here another example of an attempted study which has not been piloted on anyone, let alone diabetic persons.
Printing descriptive information in pale blue text on a dark blue background is an immediate no-no...
Hello John, thank you responding, I’m going to work on the flyer again 🙂