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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry all not too sure I want to carry on posting here anymore, or anywhere else for that matter!

Is probably my own fault, but I just feel INVISIBLE no matter what I say! Perhaps I don't put things down in the right way and if thats the case then sorry, but I don't know how else to say what I feel without upsetting anyone!

Feel so alone, :(

I'm really sorry that you feel that way. :(

Is there something that we've missed that you wanted to know? I'm sure that no-one is ignoring you deliberately.

Shirl please PM me hun im heartbroken that you feel this way, i cant lose my little pm buddy hun, i personally have always acknowledged you hun , whats made you feel this way? xxx
Hi Shirl, please dont feel like your being ignored. I have to say that when you post I always *know* that you will be very caring but also get to the point - so I do enjoy reading your replies. I think it can sometimes feel that people ignore your posts - but the problem is on a board like this is that people are in a hurry to express things from their point of view and dont always feel the need to reply to everyones. There are some people on here with whom I have never had a 'conversation' with - but it doesnt mean I dont respect or read their reply. Dont ever feel that your points of view are not important because they absolutely are and everyone on here has a right to express themselves - thats why this forum works so well - no-one is made to feel belittled or that their questions are not of any worth - its an all-inclusive forum and you are what makes it special - so please keep on posting.🙂Bev x
Hi Shirl. Sometimes the forum is busy and people miss replies or don't have time to respond every reply individually. I'm sure no one would ignore you on purpose. Please stick around and ask questions/advice you need to. xx
Hi Shirl - so sorry you feel this way. Just sending a little hug to let you know I have heard you - please don;t leave the forum. As Bev says, sometimes what we say reaches many people and means so much. Quite often we may not receive responses as people may think we have said something very worthwhile and nothing else needs to be said.
Hi Shirl,

Just to say I agree with what the others have said 🙂 - I think a lot of people read the majority of posts, nod & smile / sympathise as appropriate, but may not always have time to reply if it's not their immediate area of expertise / experience if that makes sense? I know I do a lot of times... I'm certain people don't deliberately mean to ignore you though! xxx
Thanx for replies. I do realise that people don't always have time to reply to posts, not even sure that that is what I was actually saying.

Don't know where my head is at the moment feelin so lost an alone, my BS levels are good an pretty well under control so what the heck is wrong with me?

Sorry, sorry, sorry
Thanx for replies. I do realise that people don't always have time to reply to posts, not even sure that that is what I was actually saying.

Don't know where my head is at the moment feelin so lost an alone, my BS levels are good an pretty well under control so what the heck is wrong with me?

Sorry, sorry, sorry

Please dont apologise Shirl we all feel this way at times, theres nothing wrong at all hun, your just feeling fragile we sometimes forget diabetes takes up so much of our lives and it grips us all diffirently, but sometimes theres other things going on that are not diabetes related and it can catch up with us, its good you posted hun cause you got/have loads of support in here xxxxxx
Shirl- do not apologise there is absolutely no need.
The whole idea of this forum I believe is to receive as well as give support and i hope we are doing this for you now - sorry if I ever overlooked anything you said.

Hopefully things will seem better tomorrow.
Thanx for replies. I do realise that people don't always have time to reply to posts, not even sure that that is what I was actually saying.

Don't know where my head is at the moment feelin so lost an alone, my BS levels are good an pretty well under control so what the heck is wrong with me?

Sorry, sorry, sorry

Hi Shirl,
Dont feel you have to apologise at all. We all feel low at times and if we can all help to make you feel even a little bit better - then thats what this is all about. It doesnt have to be about diabetes - normal life can be hard on its own. This is a *support* group and hopefully we are helping to support you.🙂Bev x
Thanx all, am soooo tired. Am gonna head for bed now, nite all, Shirl
Hi Shirl
I've just sent PM to you.
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Hi shirl, only just seen this thread. I'm not brilliant at replying to posts as I can't always find the right things to say but hope you feel a bit better today.
Hi Shirl

I hope that you have a good day today. I must apologise for not replying to threads but I'm not always sure what to say/worried that I will say the wrong thing if I reply to people - but that really isn't a good enough reason.
Hi Shirl, please don't feel ignored, you have lots of good things to say. Also please don't appologise for feeling the way you do. Many of us have times when we doubt our own worth and value.

I look at threads, sometimes I can reply or add a useful response and others I don't have an answer or am unsure how to word it so leave things and see what happens.

Everyone does realy well on these forums as it can be a difficult way of communicating and it's not always easy to say things with out upsetting someone.

Take whatever time you need to sort things out in your own mind and remember you are always welcome here. We value your opnions and input, so please don't stay away for too long.
Good morning Shirl hope you had a good nights sleep and are feeling fine today x
Went for a long hot bath before I went to bed, so slept well until 3! Instead of just lying there I got myself up made a cuppa, had a chat to the cat who didn't really have a lot to say but at least she listened (poor cat) to my drivvel, then I went back to bed, without may I add, managing to rouse my hubby! Good or what?

Well I have another day to get through an am just gonna let the tears come, though who I'm crying for Lord only knows 😱

Have a good day all, Shirl x
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