interesting results of a background test.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
so I did a background test this morning

at around 8 this morning it was 8.6
at around 9.40 it was 8.7
at around 11 it was 7.4
and then before lunch at around 12.30 it was 5.1

I told it should be within 2. so it does look like it is a bit too high which would explain the hypo on the weekend when I had lunch later. but it's interesting how it kind of stayed the same for a while and then went down quite a bit.

i wonder if I'll get similar results doing it for a different time of day
The reason it stayed pretty steady for the first 3 hours is likely because it was dealing with DP/FOTF glucose dump from your liver. If you reduce the basal dose then you may find that your levels rise during the morning period and you may have to adjust your breakfast bolus ratio to counteract it or inject a set amount of insulin specifically to deal with that, which is what I do.... usually 1.5-2 units. I don't consider this a change of ratio because I need that 1.5-2 units even if I don't have any breakfast and I inject it as soon as I wake up before I set foot out of bed. If you don't see a rise in BG in the morning, it doesn't mean that DP/FOTF is not happening, but more likely that your basal insulin is covering it.
To me it might be easier and pleasanter to leave the basal as it is and just have a little snack at 11am to bring your levels up a bit if you need to..... Obviously if your BG is in double figures at that time you are unlikely to need a snack, so it would be something to check and eat as necessary. In a similar way to people having a biscuit or oatcake and cheese at bedtime to bring levels up before bed.
The reason it stayed pretty steady for the first 3 hours is likely because it was dealing with DP/FOTF glucose dump from your liver. If you reduce the basal dose then you may find that your levels rise during the morning period and you may have to adjust your breakfast bolus ratio to counteract it or inject a set amount of insulin specifically to deal with that, which is what I do.... usually 1.5-2 units. I don't consider this a change of ratio because I need that 1.5-2 units even if I don't have any breakfast and I inject it as soon as I wake up before I set foot out of bed. If you don't see a rise in BG in the morning, it doesn't mean that DP/FOTF is not happening, but more likely that your basal insulin is covering it.
To me it might be easier and pleasanter to leave the basal as it is and just have a little snack at 11am to bring your levels up a bit if you need to..... Obviously if your BG is in double figures at that time you are unlikely to need a snack, so it would be something to check and eat as necessary. In a similar way to people having a biscuit or oatcake and cheese at bedtime to bring levels up before bed.
i'm thr another way i would prefer them to be on tad on higher side I sort its self out, but I do need to do some for other times of the day as well
The reason it stayed pretty steady for the first 3 hours is likely because it was dealing with DP/FOTF glucose dump from your liver. If you reduce the basal dose then you may find that your levels rise during the morning period and you may have to adjust your breakfast bolus ratio to counteract it or inject a set amount of insulin specifically to deal with that, which is what I do.... usually 1.5-2 units. I don't consider this a change of ratio because I need that 1.5-2 units even if I don't have any breakfast and I inject it as soon as I wake up before I set foot out of bed. If you don't see a rise in BG in the morning, it doesn't mean that DP/FOTF is not happening, but more likely that your basal insulin is covering it.
To me it might be easier and pleasanter to leave the basal as it is and just have a little snack at 11am to bring your levels up a bit if you need to..... Obviously if your BG is in double figures at that time you are unlikely to need a snack, so it would be something to check and eat as necessary. In a similar way to people having a biscuit or oatcake and cheese at bedtime to bring levels up before bed.
this something that my team suggested to do if I am dropping without eating.
this something that my team suggested to do if I am dropping without eating.
once i'm going to be prescribed half unit carriages soon for livermir. but I am going to do it for another time a day as well, to see if the same things happen,
but yes I am suspecting my background needs are different for each time of day which is impossible to get right
but yes I am suspecting my background needs are different for each time of day which is impossible to get right
It is the same for me. Split dose Levemir definitely helps, as does a half unit pen, although I have to adjust my doses very frequently to cope with my varied lifestyle and I still need to use my bolus insulin to correct when levels are creeping upwards or on a morning to cope with FOTF. You just get a feeling for what your body needs and when and I find it is no hardship to tweak things occasionally throughout the day with my fast acting insulin as needed.
I have just emailed the person I saw yesterday for my results for their faults on it.
It is the same for me. Split dose Levemir definitely helps, as does a half unit pen, although I have to adjust my doses very frequently to cope with my varied lifestyle and I still need to use my bolus insulin to correct when levels are creeping upwards or on a morning to cope with FOTF. You just get a feeling for what your body needs and when and I find it is no hardship to tweak things occasionally throughout the day with my fast acting insulin as needed.
yes, I think that's why tribsia wouldn't have worked with wouldn't help with my job being as and when. having a reusable pen would help me because I got a random 15 yesterday it was fine I dealt with it for dinner and it came down. I'm trying to remind myself now with the fear of hypos that I've always been able to treat them myself even the ones that have required 2 or 3 lots of treatment. and the same with high blood sugar I've been able to deal with that. I also emailed to ask about dan fee because silly me forgot to in my appointment yesterday.
I have just emailed the person I saw yesterday for my results for their faults on it.
however, I am going to do it for an afternoon. that will have to wait for this more because again I'm much higher for than what I was at lunch peppers I should have still rounded up even though I was towards the low end. oh will it doesn't come down by the time I eat tea I can deal with it. I am going to go and walk to a shop and back so perhaps that will bring it down instead.
It is the same for me. Split dose Levemir definitely helps, as does a half unit pen, although I have to adjust my doses very frequently to cope with my varied lifestyle and I still need to use my bolus insulin to correct when levels are creeping upwards or on a morning to cope with FOTF. You just get a feeling for what your body needs and when and I find it is no hardship to tweak things occasionally throughout the day with my fast acting insulin as needed.
i'm lerning i have be super careful with correction doses it seems that i'm super sensitive etc doses diner time I work out my radio as 1.73 I would have usaly done 1 and half but it I did 2 instead and an hour later its down 6.2 I have just had a stack with so really that's only 0.3 correction I would I worked out 1 unit dropped me 6 but perpherps iys even more. because it seemed that 0.3 dropped me 4
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