Interesting Obesity Article

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Hmm. On the one hand I agree with the writer that adding fatties (like me) to the hate crimes list is possibly a step too far. However, I'm of the opinion that all forms of bullying, whether verbal or physical should be labelled as hate crimes. We should simplify the description of such crimes by scrapping the list altogether and categorising all such behaviour as hate crimes, whoever is on the receiving end.

Social Services were likely right in taking those children into care, if as it seems, there were more issues involved than just the matter of their weight - which is serious enough on it's own.

As for me, I'm 5'5", I currently weigh 19 stone and I've been abused by the ignorant more often than I care to recall. I've never been a huge eater, having so many allergies has left me extremely finicky when it comes to food. I have been on huge doses of steroids for long periods throughout my life for various reasons and I'm told those have contributed significantly to my current problems. I did like my chocolate and fizzy drinks though, along with pasta, cutting those out seems to be making a difference and I've lost about a stone in the last six weeks. Long may that continue.
Well done to you Alison, good observations, very erudite and cogent. I wholeheartedly agree!
Alison, that's brilliant going!! Think I was diagnosed shortly before you, and, like you, made immediate changes to my diet and lifestyle, but unfortunately, my weightloss hasn't been as speedy!!

Still, I DO feel much better for the healthy eating, and I keep telling myself that half a pound a week (woop!) is 2 stone in a year (woop!). And for me, being fat is purely down to me, not medication, so only myself to blame!

Off to read the article now.......

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