Interested in a podcast?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I said this in another thread:

I think I may keep an online diary - I've around 50,000 or so a month subscribed to my podcasts worldwide , so may actually start a podcast entitled 'The Diary of a Diabetic' so I can keep some idea of what I'm doing and share any tips, tricks or pitfalls on the way.... he he, should be quite a good experiment I think! I did some stuff for Radio 5 a little time back and enjoy broadcasting and production - it might also be quite a nice community thing to do to get us all here involved and talking audibly? What do you think?

Please don't think I'm shamelessly self promoting, promise you I'm not! The link for one of the latest podcasts is here to give you a taste. Should be great, particularly if we have given topics to discuss on here and we can vocalise audibly. It would also be a great way to promote this site.

I also said it would be really great to get email / comments by audio too. I've been podcasting for four years and have quite a good following. It would be fun to actually hear your voices and to promote this site too. Anyone game?

The email for comments / audio is

Should be good fun!
Absolutely shameless self promotion Mtr Nicholls!! But sounds fun! Whaddya want?!

Yes cant wait I would be interested, can you please send me a link to the podcast once your set up? If I can be of any assistance I will do my best.

Thanks and best wishes!

Well now, this sounds interesting!! Just not sure what a podcast is!!!!!! Is it a blog with sound? Do you listen / read on the computer or do you need something else? Forgive this mouldie oldie for my ignorance!
Well now, this sounds interesting!! Just not sure what a podcast is!!!!!! Is it a blog with sound? Do you listen / read on the computer or do you need something else? Forgive this mouldie oldie for my ignorance!

it is an audio blog so its just an audio file probably in mp3 format which you'll be able to listen to using windows media player or itunes for example.... you can also put it onto a mp3 player and listen to it on the bus etc
Hi there

Sorry about the missing link - a sample of the podcasts can be found at - just look for the podcast link - 181 is the latest one.

The ability to share audio is brilliant - and it seems it could be a natural extension from here, we could also promote this site too?

I'll start to record something over the next few days. If you know how to record an mp3 with a quick hello and a bit about yourself, where you live - no more than, say 2 minutes, that would be great - I'll mix it in. The mail address is
What shall we call it?

I will be posting the show in a different feed to my usual blog. I've had people from work mail my comments around the office. I'm not happy for them to do that with my personal medical stuff.

I do however still think that the resource would be a great idea. I'll try and get something recorded pretty soon. Ideas for names for the show? Diary of a Diabetic sounds a bit 'Channel 4' for my liking. I would also love to pick up some of the comments on this site for discussion so we can have something to discuss.

Comments / ideas?
per Daisy: Absolutely shameless self promotion Mtr Nicholls!! But sounds fun! Whaddya want?!

Your comments, and, if possible your audio Daisy... just a quick hello and who you are - any comments on what you would like to discuss too?
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