Intensive blood pressure lowering treatment could harm people with diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The trigger for treating hypertension in people with diabetes has been a source of discord in medical circles, with current guidelines recommending antihypertensive therapy once baseline blood pressure tops 140/90 mm. In an effort to determine whether and how antihypertensive treatment affects diabetics, researchers reviewed and analyzed nearly 50 randomized and controlled trials.

Hmm...yet, as diabetics, we are told to try and keep our BP at 130/80 or below :confused: Mine is usually around 110/70 or below and I take candesartan - I wonder if I should drop the pill based on this?
That's interesting, I didn't know the USA had more relaxed levels. In the UK they want diabetics to have lower BP targets than the rest of the population, (or for that matter anyone else who has had an 'event' OH been told, now he's had a retinal artery occlusion, his BP targets are now lower.)
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