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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Wondering if anyone can help. I'm 23, and have been type 1 diabetic for 22 of those years. I'm really struggling to get life cover and critical illness cover, ahead of me buying my first house. Can anyone recommend a provider? My HBA is 9 and I've been rejected from a couple of insurers
Welcome to the forum, Dm23. Your question is the sort of thing that Diabetes UK helpline could probably help with -

England, Wales & Northern Ireland:Call: 0345 123 2399*, Monday to Friday, 9am–6pm. Email:

Scotland: Call: 0141 212 8710*, Monday to Friday, 9am–6pm. Email:
I went through a broker who specializes in medical conditions and they got my cover no problem.......wasn't cheap of course, but still got cover........AVIVA covered me and prudential and now I am not sure who....

its time for a renewal I think....

enjoy the house when it comes....
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