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Much Missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
What insulins are prescribed for you, and what doses
When discharged from hospital I was prescribed Novomix, but within 12 months this was changed, I now use as follows:-

Levimer..70 units @8am and 70 units @6pm

Novorapid 50 units @8am..40 units @12 noon.....40 units @6pm
my units of novorapid depend entirely on what carbs i'm eating. i've got a ratio of insulin to carbs so changes for each meal! my lantus is quite steady just now at 24 units!
I am on Novorapid, 8 at breakfast, then 12 for dinner and 16 or 18 at tea.
Also i am on Insulatard which is 28.
I think they both smell alwful other than that i love it.
I am on 24 of levemir morning and night it depends what lispro i take. I'm afraid it's guess work as i have no idea of ratio of carbs to insulin. it's normally around 10-15 units per meal.
Wow! I thought I injected big doses. I'm on 22 levimir am. and 24 levimir pm; what I inject of novorapid during the day depends entirely what I eat and when. The ratio of insulin to carbs for me is 1 unit equals 10 carbs, if I'm exercising the insulin ratio reduces by 20%. Also if I have drink the background dose is reduced depending on what I drink. I know other diabetics who's ratios are very different and vary for different meal times say 1.5 to 10 carbs or 2 to 10 carbs - the variance seems to be weight related, the fatter the diabetic the greater the ratio and the more insulin they need - hope this is helpful
My insulin varies according to what I'm intending to eat i.e. I carb-count, but it's approximately:

Breakfast: 8 Novorapid
Lunch : 12 Novorapid
Evening : 14 Novorapid

I have 20 Lantus as my 'background'.

I must admit I've felt a great deal more freedom since I attended a course run by my local Diabetes clinic. We learned all about complications and how to avoid them, plus how to work out your carb:insulin ratio and 'count' the carbs in food. It was also good to meet other newly-diagnosed people and to hear how their lives had been affected.

Anyone else find that the injections sting sometimes? At first I thought it was just the Lantus, but I occasionally get a sting from the Novorapid too.
Levimir 36 at night and Novorapid varrying between 20 - 26 depending on food intake keeps my glucose readings at around 5mmol/L (90mg/dl)
I split my lantus as it just wasn't working for me - one injection at night - I now take 16 units in the morning and 12 units at night. Novorapid depending on what I eat - anything between 6-12 units per meal - sometimes just 4! If I am having a pig out anything up to 14 - especially if I have relatively high blood sugar before eating too! I really like to eat only the carbs that are necessary - reducing the need for insulin as this makes my blood sugars so much more level.
My insulin varies according to what I'm intending to eat i.e. I carb-count, but it's approximately:

Breakfast: 8 Novorapid
Lunch : 12 Novorapid
Evening : 14 Novorapid

I have 20 Lantus as my 'background'.

I must admit I've felt a great deal more freedom since I attended a course run by my local Diabetes clinic. We learned all about complications and how to avoid them, plus how to work out your carb:insulin ratio and 'count' the carbs in food. It was also good to meet other newly-diagnosed people and to hear how their lives had been affected.

Anyone else find that the injections sting sometimes? At first I thought it was just the Lantus, but I occasionally get a sting from the Novorapid too.

I noticed a sting a few times, but not enough to make it a problem, i think it could be something on the skin and i have exzma so it could be that.I dont really know.
for me lantus stings which is pretty common, i'm considering changing to levemir because of this reason and will discuss it at my next clinic appointment.

i currently take 6 units of lantus at night and then 1-5 units of novorapid with meals depending on the carb content of my meals,

My insulin varies depending what I eat but usually

Morning Humalog-30
Lunch Humalog-25
Dinner Humalog- 30
Between 9pm-11pm- Lantus Glargine 40 units (24hr slow acting)

Over the past 11 years I have been on a few different Insulin's due to my body deciding to reject the insulin after a while. :confused:
i find my insulin only stings if i've injected it the wrong way or into a muscle
i find my insulin only stings if i've injected it the wrong way or into a muscle

you must be one of the lucky ones as I see you are on lantus. I also find that if i inject cold insulin it hurts, so try to remember to change my cartridge before i need to inject
I usually take 14 units Levimir at 10pm and 12 units Levimir at 8am. I now split the dose as was getting hypos around 3am-4am.

I also take Humalogue, using a basic ratio os 1 unit to 15G Carbohydrates (less when exercising). I tend to inject after meals to prevent hypos - I think I may have a slower digestion.
for me lantus stings which is pretty common, i'm considering changing to levemir because of this reason and will discuss it at my next clinic appointment.

i currently take 6 units of lantus at night and then 1-5 units of novorapid with meals depending on the carb content of my meals,
I've been on Levemir for 18 months. However, despite chaning insulin sites everytime I inject, I find that several times a week the evening injection gives me a painful lump that is like a wasp sting - the lump can stay for 2-4 days but doesn't appear to affect the insulin dose that has been injected.
I've been on Novorapid and Insulatard for the last 7 years. I find Novorapid excellent for constantly adjusting my levels when needed! I'm always changing the amount I need...sometimes it gets very confusing though :rolleyes:
The only thing with insulatard is remembering to shake it up first.

Cold cartridges hurt like hell!!!

I take levemir 7u at night and novorapid anywhere between 3u and 10u depending on what im eating which is total guess work. I have type 1.5 so i believe i will be on small doses for quite a long time.
I take lantus at 9 oclock at night and novorapid before meals. Lantus stings when i take it so i changed to levamir for a bit but it didnt work aswell for me and i was going to have to take it twice a day instead of once so i moved back to lantus and just put up with the pain :(