Insulin use

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How much insulin do you use in your pump each day? And what are your basals set at? This really interests me a lot so please let me know yours.
You're going to get a wide range I think!

My son is pre adolescent so his insulin requirements are still relatively small. His TDD averages 22U, of which 7.1U is basal. His basal rates vary - the lowest is currently 0.05U/H (late morning), and the highest is 0.475U/H from 3am-7am.
14 day average suggests 33u TDD, with 11.6u of basal and roughly 180g of carbs a day.
Hi Spiritfree,

Up until 6 months or so ago Alex's TDD was 25 units.🙂It has now risen to around 60!😱 Thats teenagers for you! I am told that its still not a large amount compared to his peers as he seems to be insulin sensitive but that might change once he becomes a fully grown adult.

The split is 27% basal and 73% bolus.🙂Bev
My TDD has gone down since going on my diet it's 21 basal and about 6 bolus i.e. TDD 27 before the pump my basal on it's own was 34
TDD ranges from 35-65 depending on what I eat! but normally around the 40-50 marker. Basal rate accounts for 19u of that.
Yesterday was 64.700 units

That just over half what I was on when still significantly more than your average bear....

My basal are:

00:00 - 05:00: 1.2u/h

5:00 - 10:00: 1.45u/h

10:00 - 17:00: 1.0u/h

17:00 - 00:00: 1.2u/h

I just recently increased my 05:00 - 10:00 rate from 1.4 to 1.45

In total the basal works out at 23.65units..
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It's interesting seeing different people's basal/bolus split. When my son started on his pump, the consultant (useless one at his old hospital) insisted on a 50:50 split, despite the fact that his Lantus was nowhere near 50% of his total. We rapidly made changes to suit him, and he's now 30% basal, which his new (good!) consultant says is typical for children. I'm interested to see it seems to suit some of the adults here too.
John (Pumping Insulin) Walsh suggests that most people will be somewhere from 40:60 to 60:40 I think.

I was a bit surprised that mine was in the 30's % wise, but this *could* be partly just that it is a bit out at the moment. I seem to be correcting more than I should, which is probably related!
Hmmm...I don't use a pump. I suspect I'm in a minority of 1 here. My TDD is around 20 units, which is all novorapid/bolus. I was originally on 20 lantus (June 2008), but this came down to the point where it didn't seem worth it/necessary, and I haven't needed it since April 2012. 🙄
Hmmm...I don't use a pump. I suspect I'm in a minority of 1 here. My TDD is around 20 units, which is all novorapid/bolus. I was originally on 20 lantus (June 2008), but this came down to the point where it didn't seem worth it/necessary, and I haven't needed it since April 2012. 🙄
Wow so you're type 1 and don't need any basal insulin? I'm guessing your pancreas is still making a trickle then? Or do you get up for secret midnight feasts to top up your novo? 😉
Wow so you're type 1 and don't need any basal insulin? I'm guessing your pancreas is still making a trickle then? Or do you get up for secret midnight feasts to top up your novo? 😉

Nope! The reason I had to stop using the lantus was because I was waking in the low 4s on one unit - I stopped it altogether and still woke in the 4s and 5s! Sometimes I go through a period where I wake in the 6s and the odd 7, but usually that's because I went to bed at a very similar level, as my ailing pancreas keeps me rock-steady overnight. Best thing about it is not fearing night hypos 🙂
Alan - you can go right off some people you know!!! 😛🙄
My dd TDD is around 13 units ( give or take a unit depends on if she has been wanting snacks/eating more etc) with 4.5 units of basal. 🙂
Wow Alan, how are you on no basal insulin? Sorry if that's a rude question! Just really curious? 🙂
Wow Alan, how are you on no basal insulin? Sorry if that's a rude question! Just really curious? 🙂

I'm perfectly fine Lauren 🙂 Not a rude question at all. My consultant thinks I must be producing some of my own insulin which can cope with my basal needs, but I have to have some help when I eat, hence the novorapid 🙂
That's really great! Is there any hope for this happening in other type ones or are you just a one-off? lol
That's really great! Is there any hope for this happening in other type ones or are you just a one-off? lol

I think it's just one of those things. Basically, what appears to have happened to me is that I began to lose pancreatic function slowly over a couple of years, then I got a virus that shot my levels up so I ended up with DKA and got diagnosed. As I recovered over the next couple of years my lantus requirements began to reduce, presumably meaning that my pancreas was recovering to some extent. Eventually, nearly 4 years after diagnosis, I was able to stop the lantus, although I probably haven't recovered to the point I was at prior to diagnosis, so I need novorapid now and to be more careful about what I eat. Who knows what the future holds? :confused:

I have heard of others who have had a similar experience i.e. Type 1.5, but not quite over the timescale that I have.
Well that's really good that your pancreas seems to have recovered a bit - maybe it will end up getting 100% better, that would be great!

I'm going to wait for this artificial pancreas system to become more mainstream, you never know, maybe I'll end up with one 🙂
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