Insulin, timing and spikes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've noticed something and wondered if anyone else has seen this.
I am on novorapid. I try to space out my meals so the prev bolus insulin has finished before i eat again (advice from when i was first diagnosed)
But, well, you know, sometimes one really wants a snack....i was good at first, but am finding myself increasingly rebelious
Anyway, i've noticed if i snack and bolus for it, before the previous insulin has run its course, the snack often does not prevoke a rise in blood sugar, or a very minor one.
Anyone else?
I get a mix of experiences here.

Sometimes it feels like the two curves of overlapping insulin mesh beautifully together and entirely neutralise whatever carby nibble I had a fancy for. Other times they seem to fight and squabble like kids in the back of a car, and either overshoot, or appear to cancel each other out.

It also seems to make a bigger difference on the relative timing of activity / popping to the post office / dog walks etc. My diabetes seems to have decided that IOB gets superpowers on even a leisurely stroll with the dog. Except when it doesn’t.

All adds to life’s rich pattern!
Well, it seems i spoke to soon...i had a lovelly flat line at first, only for my blood sugars to go high as the bolus insulin ran out. Just goes to prove when you think you have sussed something out diabetes throws a rachet into the works.
Still...i got a snack out of it
Well, it seems i spoke to soon...i had a lovelly flat line at first, only for my blood sugars to go high as the bolus insulin ran out. Just goes to prove when you think you have sussed something out diabetes throws a rachet into the works.
Still...i got a snack out of it
Absolutely, just when we think we have something sorted, then ….
You could think of it as free brain gym!!
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