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Insulin testing

Hans Langer

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anybody know, or has anyone ever had an insulin test? My GP told me there's nowhere (in London at least) that does it. This strikes me as absolutely bonkers. Surely the first thing you need to find out is, is your problem too much or too little; insulin resistance or a clapped-out pancreas?

Any help much appreciated.
Hi Hans,

As I understand it, a C-peptide test is used to determine the amount of insulin your body is producing. For example, this test is used to determine whether a person has LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults), or whether abnormal blood glucose results are due to insulin resistance (i.e. Type 2 diabetes). I didn't think that the C-peptide test was that uncommon, so perhaps your doctor was referring to something else? Perhaps get him to clarify. Insulin and C-peptide are produced at the same rate, so I would have thought it would be sufficient to work out what's going on.

There's probably someone out there who knows far more than me though!:)
I live in London and had a c-peptide test at the end of last year whilst in hospital. Not sure if that is the test you are refering to.

Is there any question Hans that you don't have Type 2?
Thank you both for your advice, very helpful. I don't know if my 'specialist' knows about the C-peptide test - must tell her! I was diagnosed quite by accident just over a year ago. I never showed any symptoms, in fact I feel absolutely fine. I am not overweight by any means (10st). All my other indicators - cholesterol, triglycerides etc) are normal. There is no history of diabetes in my family - either side. I'm the youngest of five (48), and all the others are fine. I've eaten well all my life, never ate junk food, drank coke etc etc. Very fit - I walk everywhere. But still I'm told I have diabetes, and my glucometer seems to confirm this!! So here I am wondering, what the hell is going on here? Which is why I asked about the insulin test.
thankyou for providing more info.
have you ever had antibody testing to rule out type 1? Doesn't sound like you have the typical risk factors for type 2 diabetes, so i wonder if you could have a slow onset type 1.
the c-peptide would help here, but antibody testing might be the most useful.

How are you managing to control your diabetes at the moment?(oral meds?) and how are your readings, A1c's?

Do you only see your GP? They generally have more experience caring for people with type 2 as type 1's (and other types) generally come under hospital clinic care with endocrinologists. If I was you I would push for more testing to confirm your type. If it turns out that they are right and you are infact type 2 then you know what you are up against.
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I'm not using any medication, (low-carb) diet and exercise only. Thing is, because I'm thin anyway, eveybody is saying how worried they are that I keep losing weight! Not good. Lately too, I've noticed my BS is rising, normally over 6.0 now. At my last hospital blood test, HbA1C was 6.1% - thought that was well under control, but now not so sure what's happening.

No, I've not had any antibody testing either. I went to see an endocrinologists, but she just told me it was type 2, but not sure now what the basis was for this diagnosis. I suspect she just assumed, given my age, that it was Type 2. I'll follow up your lead though. Many thanks.
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Sofaraway, you said you had these tests done in London (C-Peptide/antibody). Do you have the name of a specialist/hospital that I could use?

Many thanks