Insulin Sensitivity.......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This is an option in the pump that allows you to set your correction sensitivity........

Now, my understanding is that the higher you blood sugar is, the more insulin you need to correct, so you become less sensitive to insulin and more resistant........

So why then is it not possible to program in different correction sensitivities to different blood sugar levels on my pump.........

I would imagine its the same for other pumps......

Is the above theory untrue..........?

I don't believe so as I witness it regularly and carry out successful corrections using the theory.....

Any thoughts from you clever people.....?
The Cozmo pump allowed you to add what ever % you set for blood sugars over xyz. As far as I know it's the only pump that does or did do this.
All you can do is mentally add the extra % yourself with the pump you have.
Yup. I've been frustrated by that too NRB. The Veo certainly doesn't seem to allow that.

The Expert used to have a variety of 'health' options that allowed a predefined % increase or decrease for a bolus. I guess you could pick one of those (say, 'Stress') and use it to proportionally increase the dose - but I'm not 100% sure whether or not it is the same on a Combo *or* whether it is applied to the correction dose :confused:
Yes the Combo does Mike.

Or of course, you can easily alter the recomended 'correction' bolus (or any bolus) manually - NRB, just go down with the arrow on the remote to that bit, then press the centre button, then up and down with the arrows.

Over the 18 months I've had mine, I've found my sensitivity has increased and increased to the degree that my basal is now HALF what it was on MDI, my carb ratio has stayed smack on 1u:10g CHO and I don't have to 'fiddle' with things like this hardly at all now - except when it really IS illness or stress or exercise.

The stress one always takes me by surprise; on MDI because nothing was that exact I could often get away with a touch of stress without doing anything, there was enough 'spare' insulin circulating usually to take care of it, but now there isn't so I have to allow for it. (But there again my A1c at that time said I wasn't getting away with it anyway, LOL Just that my fingerpricks didn't show the full picture.)
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