Insulin Resistance Since Lockdown

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have had Type 1 Diabetes for three years, I currently take NovaRapid injections for my fast acting insulin and Levemir injections for my background insulin (5 units at 10am and 10pm). I also have the Libre which monitors my blood sugars 24/7.

Since we have been in lockdown in the UK I've become very insulin resistant. For example, I've had to double the amount of NovaRapid I take when eating, which is fine. The problem I'm having is with my background... I will go to sleep on a steady 6mmol, but when I check my Libre in the morning I see I have risen in my sleep to a steady 12mmol throughout the night. So far I have tried waking in the night to take 2 units of fast acting, to no effect. I have also raised my background insulin from 5 units to 7 units, so far no effect either. I also find in the day, my blood sugars will keep finding their way back up to around 12mmol, so I will take NovaRapid to bring them down, but it only works temporarily before they bounce back up again. I'm wondering if the lack of sensitivity is just down to not moving around nearly as much due to lockdown restrictions? I take a daily walk and practice yoga for an hour, but otherwise am just wandering around the house! Also my stress levels have been very low.

Could anyone offer any advice?

Many Thanks,

Amanda x
If you usual daily life is more active then that may be the reason. Do you do a finger prick to confirm the Libre? That would be the obvious thing to confirm before you do anything else. If it’s accurate then I would up the basal again and try to get your nighttime levels right. Have you been monitoring your temperature or anything like that to see if you might be coming down with anything?
It is certainly likely that decreased activity will result in higher basal needs. It sounds like you are fire fighting that with NR at the moment without a great deal of success. Since we are locked down for a further 3 weeks at least then it would make more sense to continue to steadily increase your basal until you find the right level to keep you steady. Since you are on a pretty low dose I would probably just increase by one unit at a time and give it a couple of days and increase it again if necessary.
I've found that since i've not been allowed to go into work, i've had to change my ratios for lunchtime and my basal, increasing the amount of insulin. I've put it down to being more inactive than usual, even though i've been having a daily walk and using the exercise bike. Just keep an eye on your levels, change one thing at a time and as said before, leave it for a few days to see what effect it has.
Hi. What sort of diet do you have and roughly how many carbs per day?
Sounds as if it's a lack of exercise causing the problem. So perhaps a dance routine to help liven up the housework 🙂
Sounds as if it's a lack of exercise causing the problem. So perhaps a dance routine to help liven up the housework 🙂
I'm usually on the go when i'm at work so i'm trying to fit in movement whem i can atm. The length/intensity of the walk is dependant on my level before i start and i often have music on to dance around to when i'm at home. No doubt when things get back to more normal and i'm back at work the ratios will go back to normal as least thats what my DSN says
Sorry to hear that you’ve been seeing some diabetes weirdness recently @Manda

it could well just be the change in routine - and drop in activity levels, but it does sound quite a dramatic change. Have you tried different vial/pen/cartridge of Levemir, in case it has denatured and become less effective?

Have you rechecked your basal recently? It may be that it’s a combination of lower activity levels, alongside other insulin-need changes that just ebb and flow during the year. I always used to find the weekends needed different ratios/doses to the weekends, and I wondered if that was a difference in stress levels?

Diabetes certainly seems to gleefully throw a spanner in the works with any change in routine 🙄 Hope you find a way to get those BGs more in range soon.
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