Insulin requirements

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Okay this has been on my mind for a wee while, thought I'd ask the educated public!

Honeymoon periods, changes in ratio from seasonal or body changes, random factor, and maybe the realisation of something like T1.5??

All of the above as far as I am aware (keeping it simple) can change the amount of bolus (novorapid) you/your body needs.

What about your bodies need for basal? Should your Basal requirement be affected in the same way?

Why do I ask...

I have altered my bolous a fair bit working out ratios (I'm around 15-20grams carbs to 1 unit of I) I even had a week off the drug! However I have never altered my Basal dose (okay I did for 2 days once, then went back to normal) What does this mean!?

Perhaps I could have changed my Basal, as my waking levels vary from say 5 to 8, but due to my varying activities/habits I'm happy with that.

Just wondering what you lot think...

Simple question, if I have been honeymooning should I have been needing to reduce my Basal too?

Probable answer, Diabetes is a game, with a massive RANDOM factor thrown in and we're all different.

Over & out, take care,

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Ross, it may be that you still have some beta cell function that can cope with the low levels of glucose produced by your liver, and to some extent with your meals, particularly when you are active as this makes you use the homemade insulin more efficiently. Larger meals or lazy days probably mean you need a top up of bolus. Also, as you know alcohol suppresses the liver from producing glucose, so this supply will not need to be catered for when you are having a tipple.

Your waking levels look pretty good, although I'd personally not be too happy waking to 7 or 8 - I'm usually 4-5, but that's me. I reduced my basal by 60-70% over the course of the past year, but my bolus is reduced by only around 30% from what it was - so I seem to be the same as you, but opposite if you see what I mean!

If you're happy with the way things are, just leave them alone. If not, you might try reducing your basal by a small amount and moitoring the effect. Or call your DSN and ask her advice.
Cheers Northe'

I actually wrote down the wrong carb ratio, I'm more like 15-20 per unit!

I would prefer not to wake in 8's and I think it's down to not properly monitoring ratios and evening meals, as I rarely test before bed!

I think you're right, but just surprised my basal hasn't needed to change!

Cheers again

Hmmm... Something I often wonder too... I would have thought basal needs would change due to things like seasons etc. Also altered levels of activity... That said, I'm STILL in the process of working out my basal doses anyway... Whoda thunk it'd be so bloomin' difficult?! 🙄
Cheers Northe'

I actually wrote down the wrong carb ratio, I'm more like 15-20 per unit!

I would prefer not to wake in 8's and I think it's down to not properly monitoring ratios and evening meals, as I rarely test before bed!

I think you're right, but just surprised my basal hasn't needed to change!

Cheers again


Hi Ross,

My understanding of all of my patterns etc took a huge step forward when i started testing before bed. Its a pain but i found it showed a lot. I actually have a totally different insulin requirement for dinner than all the other meal times, so i was getting it wrong all the time and waking up higher because i just always forgot to test at night.

I also find my daytime readings are generally more stable if i get a good reading in the morning so night tests mean any corrections can be made then, and not when i attempting to wrench myself from under my duvet and go to work!

Oh yeah and I also got into the habit of testing in the middle of the night every time i just happen to wake up as it means less forced alarm clock 3am tests 😱
Cheers all,

I went to bed at 8.8 and woke 7.2, so if I did a better job at my meal ratios for dinner I would be better today. Mind you I had the white rice spike which truely hacks me off! Thanks Viki, not sure I'll be testing when I wake in the night though!
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