Insulin requirements

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all. I rarely post but need help. T1D for 44 years, now aged 54. I’ve always been on a relatively low dose - 24 units of novorapid and 12 Tresiba. Lately my BG is through roof - it’s like insulin is not working properly. I’ve done all necessary checks - changed insulin pen, sensor etc but still readings are bizarrely high. Any ideas what might be going on? Thanks Jon
Are you under stress @Bobbyr14 ? Are your injection sites ok? Are you on any other medication? Are you fingerprick checking your sensor?
Hello and thank you for your reply. I use a Libre 2 but I also double check on occasions with a finger prick ( I think readings are accurate). Whilst it could be considered I am going through a stressful time I do not feel stressed. I’m just so puzzled - I’ve not known anything like it.
Hello @Bobbyr14,

I'm a newbie in relation to your experience so you've probably considered this already. How long have you been on Tresiba and are you using that principally to keep you steady through the long fasting hours of night? If that is your strategy for your Tresiba, have you done a basal check? These days with any CGM it is, of course, so easy for the nighttime (and no point in looking at other parts of the day if your Tresiba is optimised for nights). Just look back at your last 3 overnight graphs and if they are not suitably straight and level then you at least know they should be (must be) and you can focus on why you get nighttime variability. You shouldn't with Tresiba.

I no longer get DP (tiny protein snack if I wake for the bathroom, or just can't sleep and again as soon as I get out of bed) and my FOTF starts about 30-45 minutes after I get out of bed; so neither of those Phenomena affect my nighttime graphs.

If keeping the nights steady is not your strategy then you might want to review what you are hoping for from Tresiba and in which case is this the best basal for you?

For comparison with absolutely no pancy, my 8 units in summer and 8.5 in winter keep me very flat, with no glycaemic variabilty, very consistently week after week. My variability is only in daytime and that not only reflects my unsatisfactory food and correction bolusing, but also when I'm about to be ill or am ill! I've read on this site that others can have much larger Tresiba doses than you or I, which reaffirms that we're all different and need what we need.

I looked back at your previous post when you were so fatigued that you were seriously considering retiring. How did you get on from the tests then and did you eventually retire? Incidentally are you aware of the 2018 article from Diatribe about the 42 factors that can affect one's BG. Could any of those give you some clues to follow up on?

Just a couple of thoughts.
When you changed pen, was it to a new one from a different box? And have you fingerpricked to check the readings?
I'm 73 and have had T1 for 42 years. I use about the same amount of Novorapid as you but I know nothing about Tresiba. I've been having problems recently that I've associated with injection sites. there are a couple of spots where if I inject into them absolutely nothing happens. You could try different sites.

I've found this happening several times over the years for no apparent reason and after a few days close attention, and worry, it's gone away.

Is it the long or the short acting that seems to be the problem and what do you consider as being through the roof? Are you taking less exercise?
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