Insulin question

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, good afternoon.

Maybe a strange question on insulin, but would really appreciate any answers.

When it is taken, are there any sensations associated with it, can you feel it go into the body and take effect ? Does it cause any sensations of feelings within muscles as nutrients are delivered ?
Hi Quartz, welcome to the forum 🙂 I would say, from my experience, the only sensation is sometimes a slight stinging. This is particularly true of an insulin like Lantus, which has an acid base. The effect is only slight, however, and usually not noticeable. I would also say that you are unaware of the action of the insulin once injected, although of course you may experience low blood sugar if you inject too much!

Hope this helps! 🙂
I agree with Northeren never had any side effects just the stinging which can be uncomfotable well I do anyway.... Are you getting side effects then!!
I was petrified when I injected for the first time.. cried like a baby lol

I didnt feel a thing and felt like a proper pleb at the time heheheh
yeh i cant feel the insulin working once it is in, and i was just the same as hotchop - bawling the first time of injecting and then feeling like a muppet!

i would love however for there to be some great sensation when taking insulin! i always thought; i bet every diabetic would be amazingly controlled if insulin gave you a high :D😉
...i would love however for there to be some great sensation when taking insulin! i always thought; i bet every diabetic would be amazingly controlled if insulin gave you a high :D😉

I suspect that, were that the case, maybe some people would be injecting a little too much, too often! 😱 😉
true! i never thought about that 🙂 my blondness showing through...
I've only ever felt an occasional stinging when injecting and I'm on Lantus.
🙂 hi and thank you for the answers- i'm trying to 'fine tune' some things when eating food
Hello quartz....i rarely find any stinging and think i put it down to a way of life having been diabetic for way too long! I can find injecting can sting rarely and my advice as well is always have a good sharp needle! I can be prone to not changing them from time to time and this can subsequently create any problems of pain when injecting that otherwise wouldn't happen.

As the insulin is injected subcataneously (under the skin) it doesn't enter the veins/muscles so therefore no uncomfortable feelings associated with this should happen. However there may be some peeps that feel it go in but i for one can't recall this.

Good luck with your fine tuning 😉

Bernie x
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