Insulin pump

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Ian S

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Apparently my omnipod dash is going out of warranty and I have been offered a choice of…minimed 750g, tandem t slim, dana 1, ypso or once again omnipod. Not sure what to go for…..suggestions welcome..
I have the Dana i and love it @Ian S I’ve been pumping for more than 20 years and it’s one of my favourite pumps. It’s tiny, robust, can be looped with (I don’t) and is hassle-free. Customer service is brilliant too. Importantly, it has a great range of sets and cannulas, including rotating ones.

I can control it with my phone so that’s a huge bonus too.
I have been offered a pump, but am super scared. Plus I don’t know if I am clever either to use it (apparently I need to pass a carb count course). Maths are NOT my strong suit. Is it true that a pump will reduce the amount of needles I need? Sorry, got lots of questions
I have been offered a pump, but am super scared. Plus I don’t know if I am clever either to use it (apparently I need to pass a carb count course). Maths are NOT my strong suit. Is it true that a pump will reduce the amount of needles I need? Sorry, got lots of questions

Yes it will, insertion of cannula only needs to be done once every 3 days under normal circumstances, so it drastically cuts down on needle use.
Apparently my omnipod dash is going out of warranty and I have been offered a choice of…minimed 750g, tandem t slim, dana 1, ypso or once again omnipod. Not sure what to go for…..suggestions welcome..

Switching to omnopod 5 next month, looking forward to it as already have use of dexcom g6 which will integrate with it.
Stick with Omnipod - and get the "5". No tubes, just the one stick on pump that you change every 3 days - like the Dash version. I've just made the move and received the Hybrid Closed Loop system with the Dexcom 6 sensor too and it really does sort out the basal side beautifully and automatically. Still have to carb count for meals of course but a step closer towards full automation!
Apparently my omnipod dash is going out of warranty and I have been offered a choice of…minimed 750g, tandem t slim, dana 1, ypso or once again omnipod. Not sure what to go for…..suggestions welcome..
There is no bad pump and if you ask 5 different people, they will probably give you 5 different answers so you need to ask yourself …
What is important to you?
I have used both a patch and a tubed pump. The patch pump is more discrete and comfortable for me but others prefer the tubes which allow them to move the pump around between changes.
Do you care about size?
The t-slim is one of the larger pumps?
What do you get with the pump?
That probably sounds like a silly question but will you get (or self fund) a CGM that can be used for hybrid closed loop with any of those pumps?
How up to date do you want to be?
The OmniPod should allow you to upgrade to the new version(s) when they are available. The T-slim updates the software to new options.
Hoe dexterous are you?
I have read the t-slim can be fiddly to fill.
How variable is your lifestyle?
The 750g learns your average basal needs. The t-slim allows you to set different basal patterns. I don’t know about the others.

I recommend learning the differences and working out whether they matter to you.
The t-slim is one of the larger pumps?

tSlim is quite a bit smaller than the MM780 (I think it‘s 780 not 750 in the UK)

The MM780 is built on the same chassis as the MM640G which was the last Medtronic pump I used. This os at a bitmof a wonky angle, but you sort of get the idea?


My tSlim is coming up for renewal in the summer and I’m exploring the current crop. My consultant suggested considering Omnipod 5, partly because it is loopable, but doesn’t require a 4 year contract. So I could try it for a few months to see how my diabetes got on with their algorithm, and switch to something else if it didn’t suit me.

I was considering the CAMaps, but that currently only runs on an android phone, so would mean buying, funding, and carrying another handset which has put me right off.
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