Insulin pump + sensor

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, I have just been for my appointment concerning a change from pen to pump control at my local hospital in Scotland today and the nurse says I qualify for the issue of the new technology although she did mention it was my choice and I could go for this but if I wanted to go back to pen use that would be my choice, so I await notification for the next stage , I have had 58 years on insulin injections and looking forward to trying something new.
It has been life changing for me for the better in ways I never imagined. Hopefully you will have choice, and can choose what works best for you, that helps with the transfer.
My quality of life is so much better now I am on a pump and I am excited about the roll out of hybrid closed loop for more of us and again that will be life changing. Will be interested in your journey.
Hi everyone, I have just been for my appointment concerning a change from pen to pump control at my local hospital in Scotland today and the nurse says I qualify for the issue of the new technology although she did mention it was my choice and I could go for this but if I wanted to go back to pen use that would be my choice, so I await notification for the next stage , I have had 58 years on insulin injections and looking forward to trying something new.

You can have a pump and have breaks from it every so often if you want. You’d then use pens. You can also use a pump alongside pens.

I’ve been pumping for more than 20 years and turned down a loop a couple of years ago. It’s up to you. There’s no right answer. What I do have is a Dexcom G7 though and I’d choose that over any loop.
I was MDI for 25/26 years before moving onto a pump last year and wow what a difference! I had good control on mdi but I find it much easier with a pump and the mental load is far less for me. I’m very happy for you that you have been offered this choice, I look forward to seeing what you choose and how it goes.
Hi, many thanks for your reply as you will understand I've been injection since being diagnosed in 1966 and this could be just what the doctor ordered so to speak , l have bever refused anything that I believed could help with my lifestyle adjusting to everyday demands , I was offered the pump many years ago when I enquired but the type of work I was doing in the shipyard climbing over pipes in bulkheads etc not having a desk job instead I declined the offer, anyway its time to have another go at it , many thanks again.
You can have a pump and have breaks from it every so often if you want. You’d then use pens. You can also use a pump alongside pens.

I’ve been pumping for more than 20 years and turned down a loop a couple of years ago. It’s up to you. There’s no right answer. What I do have is a Dexcom G7 though and I’d choose that over any loop.
I will have to wait and see what I'm offered, but I would try the closed loop if offered it ,and it's interesting reading your reply on the aspect of both pen and pump, I was told that I qualified for the pump and if I didn't want to continue with this method I could change back to the previous method so I'll wait and reply to the members who have helped with there comments thank again to everyone out there your sincerely Gordon .
I will have to wait and see what I'm offered, but I would try the closed loop if offered it ,and it's interesting reading your reply on the aspect of both pen and pump, I was told that I qualified for the pump and if I didn't want to continue with this method I could change back to the previous method so I'll wait and reply to the members who have helped with there comments thank again to everyone out there your sincerely Gordon .

You can have a pump and have breaks from it every so often if you want. You’d then use pens. You can also use a pump alongside pens.

I’ve been pumping for more than 20 years and turned down a loop a couple of years ago. It’s up to you. There’s no right answer. What I do have is a Dexcom G7 though and I’d choose that over any loop.

You can have a pump and have breaks from it every so often if you want. You’d then use pens. You can also use a pump alongside pens.

I’ve been pumping for more than 20 years and turned down a loop a couple of years ago. It’s up to you. There’s no right answer. What I do have is a Dexcom G7 though and I’d choose that over any loop.
Hi inka, I've been using the Libre and now using Libre 2 which is helpful because after all these years 58 that is, I don't get the same hypo warnings low BG that is so its interesting hearing your comment on the Dexcom G7 , I don't totally rely on the Libre 2 and do still adjust my insulin dosage with the blood readings .
What an exciting time for you @Tradesman . The change from MDI to pump gave me a far greater flexibility and also reduced night time hypos. It takes some time to get the settings to suit you and still requires regular tweaks along the way.

It would be worth looking at a pump that would enable you to use a closed loop if you are interested in that. That is an even bigger game changer

I look forward to hearing how you get on.
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