Insulin Pump & DAFNE

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just wanted to say that Ive been on the insulin pump for about 18 months now and it's great.

It's totally given me the freedom I never had before I no longer have to go the toilet to take my jab and I can adjust my insulin rate at the touch of a button which comes in really handy when you are out and about.

At first it worried me about having something attached to me 24/7 but I don't even notice it (it doesn't hurt). I can now munch away in the cinema and just key up the amount of carbs Ive eaten and beep it's all done.

It's totally changed my life, my diabetes was a disaster Ive fractured both of my feet, smashed my face on the pavement more than once. etc etc

If you are thinking about going on the pump I would recommend going on DAFNE first Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating. It's a one week training course on counting carbs adjusting your iinsulin (I groaned at first not wanting to go) but I am so glad I did, it helped me understand why these things happened to me, I was totally confused before.

If that doesn't sell it to you, you can eat cake, chocolate, anything you like yep that's right! They teach you how much insulin to take when you do cheat, without feeling ill.

And you get to meet other diabetics and realise you're not the only one.
Hi , i have only been on the pump since september but like you think its great , i done a Dafne course in June and then got the pump in sep and things have improved greatly just in 7 weeks 🙂 Glad Dafne and pump have improved things for you too its just nice to make things easier for a change :D
I think courses like DAFNE are in the criteria for obtaining a pump. My nearest pump centre will give potential pumpers the 5 day DAFNE course first..
If I needed a pump, you have just sold one to me! I am glad you are so positive about it, it is brilliant to hvae the freedom to eat normally, and to be able to cope with atreats too.
Looking forward to getting my grubby little mits on one this week... Should be in full flight before Christmas.

First task... Master the ale consumption management. I'm VERY committed to that research! 😛

Couldn't agree more if I tried about the DAFNE course. OK, parts of it didn't really match the way my diabetes works, but I learned a lot of changes to things I'd been taught in the past. And - the biggest difference - it's made me take a bit more notice...
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