Insulin Pump and sites

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all

Ive been on an insulin pump now for nearly a year and am absolutely loving it. My control has become so much better (for those of you that remember me i havent been hospitalized in that time) I have reached a point now though where my stomach is starting to hurt from having the cannulas inserted. If anyone has ny advice as to where else i could place mine or even where you place yours for bst results it would be much appreciated
Over a year no sorry lol
You can put them in buttocks or thighs as well, although we haven't tried those yet! If you opt for the buttocks then obviously it goes in the top, not the bit you sit on! And I think you have to be careful when removing clothing, that you don't catch your waistband on the cannula and pull it out 😱
Hi thanks for the reply. I have done the whole pulling them out before and that's definitely a different feeling lol
I started on abdomen, but it was a bit patchy for me because of years of lazy overuse on MDI.

For the last few years I've been using my sides and lower back. I can get approx 3 'rows' or sites between hips and ribcage around past lovehandle territory to approx 2-3in away from spine. Takes a bit of practice to do that singlehanded, but it can be done.

I've also just started experimenting with an arc above navel where I don;t have so much fat build-up from MDI.

Seems worth moving this thread to the Pump section so it gets a bit more focussed attention 🙂
I tend to stick to stomach and thighs, but I would literally put it anywhere I could.........

there are the occasional times it stings going in, but then it disappears.......

not tried the buttocks yet, might do it next time....
Has anyone tried their arm? Seems like it could be a bit awkward to insert but apart from that looks nice and out the way
I've seen a youngish girl with an omnipod on her arm. Not sure how it would be best to carry a pump with tubing if you inserted the cannula there?
I have on occasions had my (tubed) pump in my arm, and found it worked very well. I use quite a long tube so it reaches my waistband-but I had to take it out of the holder when I went to the loo! Its a bit fiddly to put it in at first but it is doable!
I have similar problems using my stomach for the same reason - too many MDIs over many years. The nurse suggested I try using my arms, particularly at the weekend when not at risk of getting it knocked. I haven't done it yet but plan to give it a go. My preference is to use my stomach though - probably why I'm getting problems. Everything is solvable though.🙂
I use the top of my arms, when my tummy needs a rest. Never had any trouble with them, and they work well.
Has anyone tried their arm? Seems like it could be a bit awkward to insert but apart from that looks nice and out the way

I have been thinking about using my arm for quite a while now, but not actually tried it.

Will this week though just to find out:D
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