Insulin prescription rejected by GP

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This is the third time I had this now.What can I do about this it’s really stressI get me out.I could get seriously ill without the insuli.
Have you not been to your annual reauthorisation appointment to get it reinstated? Usually needs doing once a year. Or what did they say you need to do when you call?
Does it say you have to have it reauthorized by the Dr or nurse? That's the only reason for none issue.
Basically it's a duty of care they have to check you are still alive and it's you having the insulin.

So if you haven't complied then it's down to you to do so.
I order on-line so get no feed back.When I phone couldnt get to talk to a GP.
We’ve never had to have insulin reauthorised, it just seems to happen automatically. Maybe because my daughter is type 1 and it should be blatantly obvious that she will need it for the rest of her life. Although nobody ever questions the amount either, and if we’re getting a bit overstocked I just order it less often.
We’ve never had to have insulin reauthorised, it just seems to happen automatically. Maybe because my daughter is type 1 and it should be blatantly obvious that she will need it for the rest of her life. Although nobody ever questions the amount either, and if we’re getting a bit overstocked I just order it less often.
Unfortunately, despite having Type 1, my prescription is re authorised annually. This rarely requires any action from me but I have had to call the surgery to get the authorisation approval when they were behind.
I believe there is now a flag on my insulin to stop it being removed but that was not always in place. I guess insulin does not automatically become lifelong medication.
Yeah - I usually have to ring to get 'Medicines Review' these days rather than the surgery instigating it. Mine are usually done over the phone now, but it's just a PITA having to take on more responsibility for it and me having to ring to request that they deign to represcribe it, when it's THEIR system to only allow 12 repeats, not mine.
I assume it is a NHS/NICE requirement rather than the surgery's system to do the 12 monthly reviews. It makes sense for most medication but a shame they don't have exceptions for insulin
Yes I am having to jump through this charming hoop at the moment. :D

Having heard nothing about routine diabetes care since the pandemic flattened the GP surgery system in 2020, I’ve been chased up for my ‘medicines review’ (the least useful appointment I am ever asked to attend)

And as usual they phrase it as “I’ve agreed your prescription this time, but won’t be able to again until you have a review”

Fortunately these days I can use the ‘e consult’ form, which is much less painful than trying to phone at exactly 8am for one of the vanishingly few face to face appointments (that it would be a complete waste for me to use up!)
Fortunately these days I can use the ‘e consult’ form, which is much less painful than trying to phone at exactly 8am for one of the vanishingly few face to face appointments (that it would be a complete waste for me to use up!)
I either ring up and ask the prescription Clarke to reissue or send in a request via the dedicated prescription email. Touch wood not had a problem yet. Still a complete and utter pain in the article though.
I either ring up and ask the prescription Clarke to reissue or send in a request via the dedicated prescription email. Touch wood not had a problem yet. Still a complete and utter pain in the article though.

Yes my lot are pretty good. The annual med review date is written on the repeat slips, and they generally let it slide for a while, or the nurse who does the annual toe tickle ticks the box, but I’ve not had an ‘annual review’ for a couple of years so I guess I ran their patience out 🙂

Though to be fair, I’m pretty sure I do still need insulin. :D
We have to either ring a remote centre for the whole of Coventry or order scrips online via the NHS App and because we got used to ordering em online via 'System Online' when they used that, we both find it easier to still order online now. That doesn't give any info whatever re no of repeats left though - so we now rely on the 'other half' of the scrip the pharmacy puts in the bag with the meds, and remember to look on it in order to instigate renewal. (Like I said before - everyone already does have to look after their own health and nobody needs the Health Minister to tell them they need to!)

Oh and Mike - I'm fairly sure most of us here at least, will know PDQ if 'they' happen to discover a cure!
I still use System Online to order my repeats, my NHS seems to be linked to my System Online, as I get notifications when I have accessed either.
Hi @Limerick42 - I use an insulin pump so despite my GP deciding I only ever needed one 10ml vial of insulin in my fridge at any time, I sat there and asked him if he'd seriously never ever dropped anything he'd just taken out of the fridge, cos I knew I had, lots of random times! - so he altered it to a repeat of 2 vials and I order another 2 as soon as I've opened the 2nd one. Similar with pen cartridges - always ordered another box of 5 when I started on the 3rd in the box. Order test strips when I get down to 2 boxes. Never get that low it's desperate.
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