Insulin pen barred as 'dangerous weapon'

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So I take it the buck has been passed to the overzealous security guard(s) would they (The security guard) know what a Insulin pen was in the first place or if they didn't they just assumed that it was dodgy
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this late last night.

I mean any one of us could go utterly berserk and start stabbing other people in the street or on trains and boats and planes, couldn't we?

Think it's just a case of a little Hitler, frankly.

(Wonder if the security bloke is under-endowed in the Y-fronts department?)
He probably thought he was doing his job properly and maybe it's not fair to blame him too much. He or the people should probably have sought clarification from a supervisor. He did put his foot in it by suggesting that a vast array of all the world's insulin range would be readily available at the first aid posts though. Hmm...might be some poetry in this story! :D
Don't blame the guard blame his company for not delivering diversity training.
he was probably only hired for the short term and we just trying to do his best to ensure others were safe, this is a strange world we live in today I have known of staff to get jabbed by pens and then have to wait for weeks to get the all clear from the hospital worrying if they have contacted AId's or not it's no joke.
Do they hand in car keys as well then at match's:confused:

The mind boggles, but heck life wouldn't be fun for the diabetic without things like this happening...

I very much suspect that they will see the funny side of it soon..

I remember when camping we were told to pack up our camping kit and leave the site immediantly as the didn't tolerante druggies if we didn't they would call the police😱 At the time it wasn't funny now though I do snigger about it..
Perhaps the non-diabetics should leave their pancreas at the gate as they can get their insulin inside at the first aid posts...😉
Ellie - think I'd have been delighted if they had called the plod, would have loved to have seen whoever's face when you explained !
Sheesh Ellie, the camping story is awful. And yeah, please call the police, would love to of seen them done for wasting police time than :D

As for the over zealous guard in NZ. Daft :( and good to see if anything it's taught those in the authorities to look out for us.
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