Insulin Patch ?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Whilst i was on another social networkin site some one mentioned ''the insulin patch'' i though it was only the stuff od dreams and no such technologies existed but after googleing it if found a web site ( it basicaly explains the technologies of how it works but it is not on the market (yet). Take a ganger it is exciting stuff . 🙂
Hi Bob, the page you give seems to be suggesting that it will remove the need for all injections, but elsewhere it appears to be for basal insulin only so we'd still need the bolus jabs. Good to see that companies are working hard on finding differnet ways to deliver it though! I found a release from three years ago saying it had passed its first clinical trials, so maybe it's closer than we think!
I'm not really interested in things that mean I will no longer have to inject. I want something that will give me better control :(

Smart Insulin or the artificial pancreas would be good!
I agree better control is the main aim and actually doing the injections does not really bother me. However I am on a minimum of 5 injections a day so have to make sure I rotate my sites as I have had problems with lumps before, which affected the take up of the insulin. Anything which would cut out 2 injections a day would be welcomed.
To be fair control is the main thing as you say but i am not to sure how much control this patch would give you i cant imagine it would be much but at least its a start eh and as you say even if it just reduced the amount of needels we use that is atleast something . 🙂 But that smart insulin sounds fantastic i really really would love for that to become available a.s.a.p
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Oh o you broked it , tbh if you google smart insulin theres some stuff 🙂
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