Insulin injections

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Tricky micky

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello DUK i have been type 2 for aprox 15 years mainly on metformin sr but because of gastric probs i have been put on humulin i.I may be a little overweight but not much can anyone tell me if insulin injections cause arthritis because joint pain seem to have started not long after i started injecting. I asked the diabetic nurse but she says she has never heard of it its hard to see a doctor at the moment as everyone knows. So i bought a citculation booster like the one on the television. Im finding it hard to stand although once im up im ok but i feel like a cripple and both calves are aching. Enyone help please
Welcome to the forum @Tricky micky.

Circulation boosters are not recommended by Podiatrists as @grovesy says
speak with your GP and get a referral to a NHS Podiatrist.

Ask Ian Botham sorry Sir Ian Botham for your hard earned money back. My
neighbour also T2 now has leg and feet problems due to using one.

How are your Blood sugars behaving? its crucial they are kept under control.

What you describe is very common but you do need a proper diagnosis first,
keep in touch.
Sorry to hear about your symptoms @Tricky micky - they sound very challenging for you.

I agree with others, these are not commonly associated with Humulin I (though you should check the Patient Information Leaflet with your insulin to see which rare symptoms are listed).

It would certainly be worth trying to get a phone appointment with your GP to try to get to the bottom of your joint pain.

Do you take any other medications?
Hello DUK i have been type 2 for aprox 15 years mainly on metformin sr but because of gastric probs i have been put on humulin i.I may be a little overweight but not much can anyone tell me if insulin injections cause arthritis because joint pain seem to have started not long after i started injecting. I asked the diabetic nurse but she says she has never heard of it its hard to see a doctor at the moment as everyone knows. So i bought a citculation booster like the one on the television. Im finding it hard to stand although once im up im ok but i feel like a cripple and both calves are aching. Enyone help please

Some insulins don’t suit some people. Aching joints and muscles can be a possible symptom of this, but it’s important to rule out other causes.

The IDDT have information about intolerances of insulins - particularly human and analogue insulins. They’re very helpful.
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