Insulin infusion sites.

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I usually use the top of my arm for my infusion set, however I have been told by Medtronic that this site is not recommended, although there are Medtronic charts on the web suggesting the top of the arm as a site, but in the booklet that came with my new Medtronic 640g the arms are not given as a recommended site. The explanation I was given was that the insulin goes in faster. Does anyone else use the arms for the infusion site with the Medtronic 640g and have you found it ok?

I usually use the top of my arm for my infusion set, however I have been told by Medtronic that this site is not recommended, although there are Medtronic charts on the web suggesting the top of the arm as a site, but in the booklet that came with my new Medtronic 640g the arms are not given as a recommended site. The explanation I was given was that the insulin goes in faster. Does anyone else use the arms for the infusion site with the Medtronic 640g and have you found it ok?


I’ve only used my arm once (before my c section so it was out of the way) but I didn’t experience any problems at all (it was suggested I use my arm by my diabetes team). All sites vary a bit but as long as you are regularly testing your levels I don’t see why it wouldn’t be manageable. Saying that there are a lot more experienced pump users on this site who are likely to know a lot more than me!
I have a patch pump rather than tubed and regularly stick it on the top part of my arms. I do find I have better absorbtion there, as compared to my stomach. I guess it depends how you yourself find it. Companies will give you generalised advice and I guess they want to avoid people having hypos if they don't normally use a particular site. If it doesn't cause you any trouble - then why not? 🙂
I have never used my arms for infusion sets. However if they are saying that their reason for the concern is that the delivery will be different, I would have thought that you just need to monitor regularly and recognise the differences when using different sites.
Like @stephknits I've mostly known podders use arms as sites. I've never used them myself, I prefer back and sides. I'm not sure what I'd do with the tubing! I've used my thigha a couple of times but I found sites a bit stabby there, and I suspect I'd find the same with arms?

Be interested to hear how you get on if you decide to carry on using them though. Presumably, if you are used to using arms as infusion sites you would already be fairly familiar with the way insulin absorbs there for you?
My arms are the last place I would use. After a long time sticking needles in they at not good. Glass syringe days & Panel pin needles :D. If it suits you Annie keep at it 😉
I'm with Mike on this and so far haven't used my arms as not wearing a bra 😱🙄 the pump is on my belt which would mean a bit of a stretch from arm to belt. If I did have it on my arm I can imagine putting my arms out and feeling the pull. When on MDI I used everywhere to begin with but backside was awkward to use and my arms are skinny so over the years I tended to go for the easier option and this has resulted in lipohypertrophy on my abdomen and thighs. 🙄 So far with the pump just using abdomen (the parts without lipohypertrophy) and sides. Not used thighs yet.

I think Annie if it works on your arms and you don't have any problems then keep doing it. 🙂
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