Insulin Hunger!!! really Hungry!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone...May I first wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!

It is my third day on my start of 10 Units of Levimer today. So far, I am doing ok and not having any problems with injecting, still feels a little strange emotionally though :(

I had to report in to my DSN this morning to let her know my fasting readings, they have been 8.4 and 9, so in single figures. She said to carry on with the 10 units for now, if the fasting levels go into double figures then up it to 12...she said it's a slowly does it process! I have to ring her back on Monday and see how we go....Anyway, she asked me if I was feeling ok, I said fine, only I had noticed that in the morning, before breakfast, that I felt really hungry, I mean like feeling sick with hunger 😱 She said that this was the Insulin, she did explain something about energy and the body changing and so the body thinks that it needs food...I am probably getting this all wrong, I can't really remember how she explained it :confused:

Does anyone here know what she might of meant?....Does Insulin make you really that hungry?...I am ok once I have eaten my normal breakfast, I just feel a little hungry late evening as well....I am wondering if this is why Insulin can make people gain weight?

Thank you in advance 🙂 Ellowyne xXx
Hi Ellowynne, so pleased you are getting to grips with the insulin. Initially, you will feel hungry with the insulin. What has been happening is that your body has thought it was starving because it wasn't getting enough insulin to allow the glucose to pass into your cells. Now that you have more insulin - in the form of levemir - your body is now able to use more of the glucose in your blood, so it is releasing other hormones which make you feel hungry so it can store away as much as possible.

It is similar to when you have been on a starvation diet - your body doesn't know you have diabetes so it reacts as though you have been starving yourself when the extra insulin allows it to make use of the glucose.

This feeling will wear off in time, so try just to eat normally and put up with it until your body gets used to the new status quo.

Single figures! You're doing so well! Hope 2010 is a brilliant year for you - it is certainly going to start well!🙂
Thank you Northerner!

I think I understand abit better now, I am glad to hear it will wear off, I have never felt so hungry!...Can I ask, does this also mean that my body is using glucose more effectively?....or will it be storing any unused energy from the glucose as fat?...Not even sure I undertsnd my own question :confused:

I guess I mean, is the Insulin producing more glucose, so if I don't use it up it will put weight on me?....I am concerned about this because I have very poor mobilty, I am currantly on Morphine for my back pain, I can just about get myself to the loo over the past 4 weeks, been very unwell! :(

So sorry to trouble you with questions, it takes me time to be able to understand information 😱

Thank you again, Ellowyne xXx
happy new year elowynne and well done for reaching single figures !!! and acheiving so much x
hi there first well done on your levels🙂 i started on insulin last may and i got really hungry too but for me it only lasted a short while . I noticed it more at night time but i just checked my levels hope this helps u are doing great
twinnie aka vickie xxxx
ps i havent put any weight on while on insulin
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